Vacances au ski

Comment voyager en train de Londres à Vienne et en Autriche.

Par Roger Viret , le mai 25, 2021 - 115 minutes de lecture

De Londres à l'Autriche en train en une journée!

Il est facile de voyager du Royaume-Uni à
L'Autriche en train. Vous pouvez aller de Londres à Vienne, Salzbourg ou Innsbruck
en une seule journée en train à grande vitesse. Ou prenez un Eurostar en milieu d'après-midi
Londres à Bruxelles et l'excellent
train couchette
de Bruxelles à Vienne pendant la nuit. Que diriez-vous de la
route à travers la Suisse
? Londres à Paris l'après-midi
Eurostar en
2h20 et une soirée
TGV-Lyria en avant pour Zurich en 4h05, passer la nuit,
puis prends une matinée
train railjet de Zurich à
Innsbruck en 3h31, Salzbourg en 5h23 ou Vienne en 7h50
à travers le fabuleux Arlberg
Passe. C'est civilisé, confortable, abordable et
beaucoup mieux pour l'environnement

que n'importe quel vol. Cette page explique les meilleurs itinéraires, horaires de train,
tarifs et comment acheter des billets.

Mise à jour COVID-19: Des trains circulent entre le Royaume-Uni et l'Autriche.
Eurostar propose un service très réduit. Au-delà de Paris et de Bruxelles, il y a
il y a des réductions de service, mais le service ferroviaire est beaucoup plus proche de la normale.
Départ de la couchette Nightjet depuis Bruxelles / Amsterdam différé jusqu'au printemps. Vérifiez en ligne.
Informations de voyage sur COVID-19

Les horaires des trains,
tarifs et billets …

petite puce
Londres à Linz et Vienne

petite puce
Londres à Salzbourg

petite puce
Londres à
Innsbruck, St Anton, Kitzbühel et Tyrol

petite puce
Londres à Graz

petite puce
Londres à Hallstatt, Villach, Klagenfurt

petite puce
Londres vers l'Autriche via le Harwich-Hoek

petite puce
Royaume-Uni vers l'Autriche
par ferry
depuis Newcastle ou Hull

petite puce
À partir d'autres villes du Royaume-Uni

Voyage en train en Autriche

petite puce

Voyage en train en Autriche

Trains internationaux vers et depuis l'Autriche

petite puce
Quelle gare à Vienne?

petite puce
Trains de Vienne vers d'autres villes européennes

petite puce
Trains de Salzbourg vers d'autres villes européennes

petite puce
Trains de Innsbruck vers d'autres villes européennes

petite puce
Trains d'autres villes européennes vers

Informations de voyage utiles …

petite puce
Informations utiles sur le pays: devise,
code de numérotation …

petite puce
Hôtels: Hôtels proposés à Vienne et Salzbourg

petite puce
Vacances et circuits en Autriche en train

petite puce
Informations générales sur les voyages en train en Europe

petite puce
Limites d'âge des enfants et voyager avec
des gamins

petite puce
Bagages dans les trains
La gauche
bagages dans les gares

petite puce
Prendre son vélo –
Prendre votre chien

petite puce
Assurance voyage, Curve Card et VPN

petite puce
Salons de première classe ÖBB

petite puce
Gare de Wien Hbf

petite puce
Gare d'Innsbruck Hbf

Carte interactive: cliquez sur un

… ou destination pour les horaires, les tarifs et les billets.

Carte de la route, de Londres à l'Autriche en train

Quel itinéraire choisir?

C'est facile de
Voyagez de Londres à Vienne en train, avec
plusieurs bonnes options comme vous pouvez le voir sur le
carte d'itinéraire, tous partant tous les jours. Chacun est expliqué
au dessous de.

  • Option 1:
    Londres à Vienne en une seule journée en train à grande vitesse
    . Oui ce est
    possible! Prendre
    à Bruxelles puis luxueux GLACE
    les trains
    de Bruxelles à Francfort et de Francfort à Vienne. Cela signifie un
    départ tôt de Londres, donc si vous partez du nord ou de l'ouest de Londres par tous
    signifie prendre l'option 2 ou 3 vers l'extérieur et utiliser cette option 1 pour le retour. Tarifs
    à partir de 52 € aller simple ou 78 € aller-retour Londres-Bruxelles plus 46,90 € aller-retour pour

  • Option
    2: Londres à Vienne via Bruxelles-Vienne
    Nightjet train couchette
    . C'est
    l'option la plus rapide! Quittez Londres en Eurostar en milieu d'après-midi
    à Bruxelles et prenez l'excellent 3 fois par semaine
    Train-couchette Nightjet
    de Bruxelles à Vienne, arrivée juste après le petit déjeuner le lendemain matin. Le train couchette Nightjet a deux voitures-lits
    (Lits 1, 2 et 3 lits avec lavabo et lits de luxe avec douche et toilettes), couchettes
    (couchettes de base avec drap, couverture et oreiller, 4 ou 6 par compartiment) et ordinaire
    des places. Londres-Bruxelles commence à 52 € aller simple ou 78 € aller-retour, Bruxelles-Vienne commence à
    49,90 € avec une couchette, 109,90 € avec un lit dans un lit 2 lits ou 159,90 € avec un
    dormeur à un lit pour vous tout seul. Vous pouvez voyager n'importe quel jour de la semaine si
    cela ne vous dérange pas un changement supplémentaire à Cologne.

  • Option 3:
    Londres à Vienne avec Amsterdam-Vienne Nightjet train couchette
    Similaire à l'option 2, mais au lieu d'un Eurostar en milieu d'après-midi vers Bruxelles et
    le Bruxelles-Vienne 3 fois par semaine
    Train-couchette Nightjet
    , vous prenez un Eurostar en fin de matinée à Amsterdam, passez
    quelque temps dans la capitale néerlandaise, puis prenez le quotidien

    Train-couchette Nightjet
    d'Amsterdam à Vienne. Il coûte le même prix que l'option 2, parfois moins.
    Qu'est-ce qu'il ne faut pas aimer?

  • Option 4: de Londres à
    Vienne en trains de jour avec escale de nuit à Zurich – la route panoramique!
    C'est l'option la plus relaxante et la plus pittoresque, en particulier
    si vous préférez les trains de jour et les hôtels aux trains-lits et en avoir un peu plus
    temps. Prenez un
    Déjeuner Eurostar vers Paris à partir de € 52 et un soir TGV-Lyria à
    Zurich à partir de 29 €, passez la nuit, puis voyagez le lendemain avec Austrian Railjet
    train à travers le pittoresque col de l'Arlberg à Vienne en début de soirée, à partir de
    29 €

    Voir la vidéo ici

  • Option 5:
    En ferry depuis Harwich:
    Voyagez de Londres ou de Cambridge vers
    Amsterdam sur le service Rail & Sail de nuit, dormir dans une cabine privée confortable
    avec toilettes, douche et télévision par satellite sur le Harwich-Hoek van Holland
    Ferry Stena Line, le tout pour un prix inclus. Le lendemain, prenez la journée
    trains ou le train-couchette Nightjet d'Amsterdam à Vienne. Cet itinéraire
    est utile si vous devez vous rendre à bref délai lorsque tous les billets Eurostar bon marché
    sont épuisés, si vous vivez dans l'East Anglia et que vous voulez contourner Londres, ou si vous
    avoir une aversion pour le tunnel.

  • Option 6: par
    ferry depuis Newcastle ou Hull
    : Naviguez pendant la nuit de Newcastle ou Hull à
    Hollande, passez la journée à Amsterdam, puis prenez le train-couchette Nightjet pour

  • Vous pouvez sortir dans un sens et
    retournez-en un autre si vous le souhaitez, ou arrêtez-vous en cours de route, car chaque train est payé séparément avec un aller simple
    tarifs, sauf pour l'Eurostar qui est moins cher réservé en aller-retour à Paris ou en
    aller-retour à Bruxelles car le tarif aller-retour est inférieur à deux aller simple. Depuis d'autres villes du Royaume-Uni, remontez
    à Londres pour se connecter avec Eurostar,
    consultez ces conseils ou utilisez le
    ferry de nuit au départ de Hull
    ou Newcastle

Option 1:
Londres à Vienne en une seule journée

en train à grande vitesse …

Grâce aux trains à grande vitesse européens de 186 mi / h, il est désormais possible de voyager de
Londres à Vienne en une seule journée, et c'est potentiellement l'option la moins chère.

The Man in Seat61 dit: "De retour d'une conférence à
Vienne, je suis retourné à Londres en train à grande vitesse en une seule journée. Ceux
Les ICE sont
parmi les trains à grande vitesse les plus luxueux d'Europe, et c'est un jour
de moi-temps, se détendre dans un environnement calme et détendu avec
vos pieds en l'air et un bon livre, avec un weissbier rafraîchissant ou deux en
la voiture-restaurant comme
vous foncez à travers les paysages d'Autriche, d'Allemagne et de Belgique. Le petit-déjeuner et le déjeuner sont servis sur
de la vraie porcelaine dans la voiture-restaurant, et vous apercevrez même le Danube après Passau, comme
tu verras dans ma vidéo
. Même si je n'appellerais pas ça bleu.
Plus d'un brun boueux … "

Londres ► Vienne (départ 06h47)

Londres ► Vienne (départ 08h54)

  • Voyagez de Bruxelles à
    Francfort à grande vitesse
    , sortie
    Bruxelles Midi à 12h25 et arrivée à
    Francfort (Main)
    à 15:31. Un bistro-restaurant est disponible
    à bord, il y a des prises de courant à tous les sièges et une connexion Wi-Fi gratuite. Ne fait pas
    fonctionner à certaines dates entre janvier et mars 2021.

  • Voyagez de Francfort à Vienne en haute vitesse
    , sortie
    Francfort (Main)
    à 16:21 et arrivée à Linz à 21:36 et
    à 23:05.
    Une voiture-restaurant est disponible à bord, il y a des prises de courant à tous les sièges &
    Wifi gratuit.
    Tour virtuel
    du train ICE-T
    Carte de Vienne montrant le

  • Remarque: le départ de 08h54 au départ de Londres combine une correspondance de 20 minutes en
    Bruxelles avec le dernier train du jour entre Francfort et Vienne. En changeant
    les trains à Bruxelles ne prennent que 5 minutes et vous ferez cette liaison 95% de
    le temps. Si l'Eurostar est retardé et que vous manquez la correspondance, ne
    vous inquiétez pas, vous pouvez continuer à Vienne sans frais supplémentaires plus tard
    ICE s'entraîne sous le
    Arrangement Railteam,
    il vous suffit de demander au personnel de l'Eurostar ou à la billetterie de Bruxelles Midi de valider votre billet.
    Cependant, vous n'atteindrez pas Vienne ce jour-là. Vous pouvez voyager aussi loin que
    (dites) Ratisbonne, passez la nuit, puis prenez un train du matin pour Vienne, mais notez
    que l'arrangement Railteam ne couvrira pas les frais d'hôtel.
    les droits en cas de connexion manquée sont expliqués ici
    . Si tu as un
    rendez-vous crucial à Vienne le lendemain matin, je prendrais le plus tôt
    départ de Londres.

Vienne ► Londres (départ 06h50)

Vienne ► Londres (départ à 9h15)

  • Cela fonctionne tous les jours
    sauf le samedi. Voyage à partir de
    Vienne à Francfort en grande vitesse
    , sortie Vienne
    tous les jours à
    09:15 ou Linz Hbf à 10:36 et arrivée
    Francfort (Main)
    à 15:36.
    Une voiture-restaurant est disponible à bord, il y a des prises de courant à tous les sièges &
    Wifi gratuit.
    Tour virtuel
    du train ICE-T

  • Voyage à partir de
    Francfort à Bruxelles en grande vitesse
    , sortie Francfort (Main)
    à 16:29 et arrivée
    Bruxelles Midi
    à 19:35. Un bistro-restaurant est disponible à bord, il y a de la puissance
    prises à tous les sièges et WiFi gratuit. Fonctionne tous les jours sauf le samedi.
    Ne fonctionne pas à certaines dates entre janvier et mars 2021.

  • Voyage
    de Bruxelles à Londres par
    Bruxelles Midi à 20:22, arrivée
    Londres St Pancras à
    21:33. Eurostar a deux
    cafés-bars, prises électriques à tous les sièges et Wi-Fi gratuit.

Combien ça coûte?

  • Londres-Bruxelles en Eurostar à partir de 52 €
    aller simple ou 78 € aller-retour en classe standard, 115 € aller simple, 199 € aller-retour standard
    premier (1re classe).

  • Bruxelles à Vienne
    par ICE à partir de 46,90 € aller-retour en 2ème
    cours ou 79,90 € par trajet en 1re classe.

  • Les tarifs sont dynamiques comme les tarifs aériens,
    donc pour les prix les moins chers, réservez tôt et évitez les périodes de pointe comme les vendredis ou
    Dimanche après-midi.

  • Si vous faites un tour
    voyage à court terme lorsque les tarifs réguliers dépassent 140 € par trajet,
    pensez à utiliser un pass Interrail.

Comment acheter des billets …

  • Ouverture de la réservation
    à 180 jours à l'avance, mais nettement moins que cela pour les dates
    immédiatement après le changement d'horaire à la mi-décembre.
    En savoir plus sur l'ouverture de la réservation.

  • Entrez à Londres pour
    Vienne aller simple ou retour dans les deux sens, et entrez vos dates de voyage et
    une heure de départ le matin.

    Je recommande de cliquer Plus d'options et entrer
    Bruxelles (n'importe quelle gare) comme un passant par gare. Quitter l'escale
    durée égale à 0.

    Réservation de siège
    sont automatiquement inclus dans l'Eurostar Londres-Bruxelles, mais sont facultatifs pour
    un petit supplément sur les trains ICE Bruxelles-Francfort et Francfort-Vienne.

  • Dans la recherche
    résultats, recherchez attentivement l'option indiquée comme ayant 2 changements avec le temps
    qui correspondent à ceux indiqués ci-dessus. Cliquez sur la flèche pour plus de détails et confirmez
    que c'est bien celui avec des changements à Bruxelles et Francfort.

  • Vérifiez et imprimez
    vos billets, et c'est parti …

Une autre façon d'acheter des billets …

  • C'est un travail de plus,
    mais sans frais de réservation. Faites un essai sur les deux sites
    d'abord pour vérifier la disponibilité et les prix, vérifiez également que votre départ
    Eurostar et ICE sont en effet une connexion reconnue en vérifiant qu'ils
    apparaissent comme une connexion valide lorsque vous exécutez une enquête Londres-Cologne à l'adresse

  • Étape 1, réservez l'Eurostar au départ de Londres
    à Bruxelles (et retour, si retour) à et imprimez
    votre propre billet, ou chargez-le dans l'application Eurostar pour l'afficher sur votre smartphone.
    Après la réservation, vous pouvez

    utiliser l'Eurostar Gérer la réservation système pour sélectionner un siège exact sur

  • Étape 2, réservez de Bruxelles à
    Vienne sur le site des chemins de fer allemands
    et imprimez votre propre billet ou montrez-le sur votre
    ordinateur portable ou smartphone. Je recommande de vous inscrire lorsque vous y êtes invité afin de pouvoir vous connecter et
    vérifiez vos réservations ou réimprimez vos billets à tout moment. Un avantage de
    réservation directe avec
    est que vous pouvez sélectionner un siège exact sur
    Trains ICE
    à partir d'un plan de salle.

  • Astuce: avec
    vous pouvez ajouter une escale et toujours obtenir le tarif bon marché de bout en bout, cela permet jusqu'à
    2 escales pendant la validité du billet de 2 jours à intégrer dans votre réservation en utilisant
    les Ajouter des arrêts intermédiaires relier. Vous spécifiez simplement la durée de la
    escale en heures & minutes dans le hh: mm boîte. Pourquoi ne pas s'arrêter
    à Cologne ou à Nuremberg?

Comment acheter des billets par téléphone …

  • Il vaut mieux acheter en ligne, pour
    évitez les frais de réservation par téléphone et voyez par vous-même quels départs sont les moins chers pour chaque étape du
    voyage et. La réservation en ligne est possible 24h / 24 et 7j / 7,
    mais la plupart des agences de réservation par téléphone ne travaillent que les heures de bureau en semaine.

  • Cependant, si vous voulez
    appelez quelqu'un, voici une liste des agences de billetterie britanniques avec numéros de téléphone et heures d'ouverture. Pour un voyage entre le Royaume-Uni
    & Autriche J'appellerais la ligne téléphonique britannique de Deutsche Bahn, ou Ffestiniog Travel,
    International Rail ou Trainseurope.

un pass Interrail
, moins cher pour un aller-retour à court terme

  • Si vous pouvez réserver longtemps à l'avance, l'achat de billets à l'avance est le moyen le moins cher et le plus simple de le faire.
    voyage. Mais à court terme, si les billets réguliers dépassent environ 280 € aller-retour, cela peut être
    moins cher d'utiliser un pass Interrail pour un aller-retour du Royaume-Uni à Vienne et
    dos. Le pass couvrira également votre train intérieur britannique entre votre
    station d'accueil et Londres.

  • Étape 1, achetez un 4 jours en
    Pass Interrail 1 mois à partir de Il devra vous être posté, mais
    peut être envoyé Royal Mail Livraison spéciale pendant la nuit.
    Voir les prix des pass Interrail
    et en savoir plus sur le fonctionnement des pass Interrail sur la page Interrail

  • Étape 2, en plus de la
    vous devez payer le tarif Eurostar pour les détenteurs d'un pass de Londres à Bruxelles
    et revenez aux dates que vous souhaitez.
    Voir les prix et comment
    faire des réservations de détenteurs de pass Eurostar en ligne
    . Toi
    imprimez ces billets. Conseil: la disponibilité des détenteurs de pass étant
    limité, je vous recommande de vérifier la disponibilité des détenteurs d'un pass Eurostar avant
    acheter un pass, mais vous aurez besoin du numéro de pass avant de pouvoir

  • Étape 3, réservations entre
    Bruxelles et Vienne sont facultatives, vous pouvez simplement vous asseoir dans n'importe quel vide sans réserve
    placez-vous et montrez votre pass quand on vous le demande. Cependant, c'est une bonne idée de faire
    réservations de sièges pour les longs trajets, vous pouvez réserver des sièges pour environ 4,50 €
    dans chaque sens à
    en entrant Bruxelles à Vienne et en cliquant sur le Siège seulement (pas de billet)
    lien en bas de page, à gauche du rouge rechercher bouton.

Vacances et circuits en Autriche en train …

  • Railbookers sont un voyage en train
    spécialiste qui peut organiser pour vous un voyage ou des vacances en Autriche en forfait,
    y compris les voyages en train, les hôtels et les transferts. Sur leur site Web, vous trouverez un
    gamme de circuits et vacances suggérés qui peuvent être variés ou personnalisés en fonction de votre
    propres exigences. Et au fur et à mesure que vous réservez un forfait, ils s'occuperont de
    vous si quelque chose arrive à une partie de l'itinéraire, comme une grève ou un retard.
    Ils reçoivent des critiques très positives. L'un de leurs voyages les plus populaires est leur

    Ultimate Berlin, Prague, Vienne, Budapest
    qui commence par le train du Royaume-Uni.
    Il peut être personnalisé pour inclure également le voyage en train vers le Royaume-Uni, il suffit de demander

    Drapeau britannique
    Royaume-Uni, appelez le 0207864 4600,

    Drapeau américain
    Appelez gratuitement aux États-Unis au 1-888-829-4775,

    drapeau canadien Canada appelez gratuitement au 1-855-882-2910,

    Drapeau australien
    Australie appelez sans frais le 1300971526,

    Drapeau néo-zélandais
    Nouvelle-Zélande appelez gratuitement le 0800000554 ou
    site Internet

  • Rail sur mesure peut aussi
    organiser un voyage en Autriche en train, avec hôtels et transferts. Appelez leur ligne téléphonique dédiée au siège61
    020 3778 1461 et citer siège 61 lors de la réservation. De
    en dehors du Royaume-Uni, appelez le +44 20 3778 1461. Lignes ouvertes de 9h00 à 17h30
    Lundi vendredi. Leur site Web est

  • Visites accompagnées: Si vous souhaitez voyager avec un groupe convivial de
    voyageurs accompagnés par un guide professionnel, les opérateurs à vérifier sont Grands voyages en train (, au Royaume-Uni, appelez le 01904527120)
    et Découvertes ferroviaires,,
    01904 730 727. Tous deux ont diverses excursions accompagnées du Royaume-Uni à l'Autriche par
    train, avec des départs à différentes dates.

Quel est le voyage

1. Londres à Bruxelles en Eurostar …

Les trains Eurostar relient Londres et Bruxelles en seulement 2 heures, voyageant jusqu'à 300
km / h (186 mph). Il y a deux voitures bar, des prises de courant à tous les sièges et
Wifi gratuit. Les tarifs Standard Premier et Business Premier incluent une lumière
repas avec vin (ou petit-déjeuner, sur les départs avant 11h00). Il y a un
Enregistrement minimum de 30 minutes (10 minutes pour les affaires Premier) comme toute la frontière
les formalités sont effectuées avant de monter dans le train.
Plus d'informations sur Eurostar
y compris la procédure d'enregistrement
Gare de St Pancras

Guide de la gare de Bruxelles Midi &

raccourci pour changer de train à Bruxelles

Eurostar e320
Sièges de première classe Eurostar e320 "width =" 365 "height =" 240

Un Eurostar e320 à St Pancras.
En savoir plus sur Eurostar.

1re classe: Standard
Premier ou Business Premier.

2. De Bruxelles à Francfort à Vienne par ICE..

La superbe ICE d'Allemagne (InterCity
Express) les trains à grande vitesse ont un
Voiture bistro-restaurant, prises électriques à tous les sièges et Wi-Fi gratuit. Au 1er
classe, les commandes de bistrot sont prises à votre place. le
Train ICE3 de Cologne à
Francfort appelle à Liège, où vous pourrez admirer l'impressionnante gare conçue
par le célèbre architecte Santiago Calatrava, et à
Cologne Hbf,
où vous verrez la cathédrale de Cologne à droite en vous approchant, juste à côté de
la station. Immédiatement après avoir quitté
Cologne Hbf, le
le train traverse le long

Pont Hohenzollern
sur le Rhin avant de rejoindre la grande vitesse 300 km / h
ligne à Francfort. Sur le train ICE-T de Francfort à Vienne, vous passerez
campagne vallonnée, et longent le Danube à plusieurs endroits.
Plus d'information
à propos de ICE
Guide de la gare de Bruxelles Midi
Francfort (Main)
Guide de la gare de Hbf
Gare de Wien Hbf

Table de 1ère classe pour deux dans le train ICE Berlin-Vienne Déjeuner dans la voiture-restaurant du train ICE Berlin-Vienne

Table pour deux en 1ère classe, mon
configuration préférée.
Il existe également des tables pour quatre dans les deux classes.

Déjeuner au restaurant.
En 1re classe, vous êtes servi à votre place. Je recommande l'Erdinger Weissbier!
Voir le courant
menu du mois

Train ICE-T, cabine de conduite "width =" 345 "height =" 240 "class =" shadow

Train ICE-T, 2e classe "width =" 412 "height =" 240 "class =" shadow

Vous pouvez voir dans la cabine à chaque
fin du train.

Sièges confortables de 2e classe sur l'ICE-T pour
Vienne …

Paysage de l'ombre du train "class ="

Détendez-vous à travers l'Allemagne et l'Autriche, avec un aperçu des rivières Inn et Danube …

Voir la vidéo: Vienne à Londres en train en une seule journée …

La vidéo montre le départ de Vienne Westbahnhof, mais rappelez-vous que le train
part maintenant de la nouvelle Hauptbahnhof de Vienne.

Retour au sommet

Option 2: Londres à Vienne
avec le Nightjet Bruxelles-Vienne …

C'est le moyen le plus efficace de se rendre à Vienne: prenez un après-midi
Eurostar à Bruxelles et le confortable autrichien
Couchette Nightjet
de Bruxelles à Vienne pendant la nuit. Le Bruxelles-Vienne
Couchette Nightjet
s'exécute 3 fois par semaine, les autres jours de la semaine, vous pouvez
train à Cologne et le chercher là-bas, il circule Cologne-Vienne tous les jours.

Londres ► Vienne Les lundis, mercredis et vendredis

  • Étape 2, voyagez de Bruxelles à Vienne en
    Train de couchettes Nightjet,
    Bruxelles Midi
    à 19h32 les lundis, mercredis et vendredis, arrivée Wels 07h14, Linz 07h46,
    Vienne Meidling 09:11 &
    Voir important
    Mise à jour Covid-19 sur ce service Nightjet

    Ce confortable autrichien
    a deux
    climatisé Comfortline voitures-lits avec chacune neuf 1, 2 et 3 couchettes
    compartiments standard avec lavabo et trois chambres de luxe 1, 2 ou 3 couchages
    compartiments avec douche et toilettes. Il y a une douche à la fin du
    couloir pour les passagers des traverses régulières. Le train a une voiture couchette
    avec 4 et 6 compartiments de couchette, et une voiture ordinaire de sièges.
    Voir le Nightjet
    page pour un guide de l'hébergement à bord, des conseils de voyage, des photos et

    Il n'y a pas de voiture-restaurant, mais dans les couchettes ou les couchettes, vous pouvez commander des boissons,
    snacks et plats chauds d'un menu room service, servis dans votre compartiment.
    Les tarifs des couchettes et couchettes comprennent un petit-déjeuner léger avec thé ou café,
    servi dans votre compartiment.

    Le train voyage
    le long de la célèbre vallée du Rhin entre Coblence (23:46) et Mayence (00:39), donc si vous êtes
    toujours éveillé et votre compartiment se trouve sur le côté gauche du train,
    éteignez les lumières et regardez passer le Rhin, les montagnes, les vignobles, les châteaux
    & le légendaire Lorelei Rock éclairé au clair de lune. Formidable!

Londres ► Vienne tous les autres jours …

  • Étape 1, voyagez
    de Londres à Bruxelles par
    quitter Londres St Pancras
    à 12h58 et arrivée Bruxelles Midi

  • Étape 2, voyagez de Bruxelles à Cologne en
    Thalys à grande vitesse
    , sortie
    Bruxelles Midi à 17h25
    et arriver
    Cologne Hbf 19:15.

  • Étape 3, voyagez de Cologne à Vienne en
    Train de couchettes Nightjet,
    quittant Cologne Hbf à
    22:16 tous les jours de la semaine, arrivée
    Wels 07:14, Linz 07:46, Vienna Meidling 09:11 &

    Ce confortable autrichien
    a un
    climatisé Comfortline voiture-lits avec neuf 1, 2 et 3 couchages
    compartiments standard avec lavabo et trois chambres de luxe 1, 2 ou 3 couchages
    compartiments avec douche et toilettes. Il y a une douche à la fin du
    couloir pour les passagers des traverses régulières. Le train a plusieurs wagons-couchettes
    avec 4 et 6 compartiments de couchette et sièges ordinaires.
    Voir le Nightjet
    page pour un guide de l'hébergement à bord, des conseils de voyage, des photos et

    Il n'y a pas de voiture-restaurant, mais dans les couchettes ou les couchettes, vous pouvez commander des boissons,
    snacks et plats chauds d'un menu room service, servis dans votre compartiment.
    Les tarifs des couchettes et couchettes comprennent un petit-déjeuner léger avec thé ou café,
    servi dans votre compartiment.

    Le train voyage
    le long de la célèbre vallée du Rhin entre Coblence (23:46) et Mayence (00:39), donc si vous êtes
    toujours éveillé et votre compartiment se trouve sur le côté gauche du train,
    éteignez les lumières et regardez passer le Rhin, les montagnes, les vignobles, les châteaux
    & le légendaire Lorelei Rock éclairé au clair de lune. Formidable!

    Dîner à Cologne
    avant de monter dans le dormeur?
    Pour un repas traditionnel allemand à Cologne, essayez l'excellent Brauhaus Sion (,
    5 minutes à pied de Eau de Cologne
    , ou la
    Restaurant Malzmuehle (,
    10-15 minutes à pied de Eau de Cologne
    , ou alors
    il y a un restaurant à l'intérieur de la Hauptbahnhof
    à la Schweinske,

Vienne ► Londres Les mardis, jeudis et dimanches

  • Étape 1, voyagez de
    Vienne à Bruxelles en direct
    Train de couchettes Nightjet,
    sortie Vienne
    à 20h13, Vienna Meidling 20h21, Linz 21h36 ou Wels 21h50 le mardi,
    Jeudis et dimanches, arrivée Bruxelles Midi
    à 09h55 le lendemain matin.
    Voir important
    Mise à jour Covid-19 sur ce service Nightjet

    Ce confortable autrichien
    a deux
    climatisé Comfortline voitures-lits avec chacune neuf 1, 2 et 3 couchettes
    compartiments standard avec lavabo et trois chambres de luxe 1, 2 ou 3 couchages
    compartiments avec douche et toilettes. Il y a une douche à la fin du
    couloir pour les passagers des traverses régulières. Le train a une voiture couchette
    avec 4 et 6 compartiments de couchette, et une voiture ordinaire de sièges.
    Voir le Nightjet
    page pour un guide de l'hébergement à bord, des conseils de voyage, des photos et

    Il n'y a pas de voiture-restaurant, mais dans les couchettes ou les couchettes, vous pouvez commander des boissons,
    snacks et plats chauds d'un menu room service, servis dans votre compartiment.
    Les tarifs des couchettes et couchettes comprennent un petit-déjeuner léger avec du thé ou du café.

    Conseil: Si vous avez un ticket
    pour un dormeur, vous pouvez utiliser le
    Salon de première classe ÖBB au
    Wien Hbf avec
    thé, café, collations et vin gratuits.

    Conseil: Au
    arrivée à
    Bruxelles Midi, le
    Bar de l'hôtel
    fait une excellente salle d'attente VIP.

  • Étape 2, voyagez de
    Bruxelles à Londres par
    Bruxelles Midi à 10h56
    Lundi-samedi arrivée
    Londres St Pancras
    à 11:57 ou à 11:56 le dimanche arrivée
    Londres St Pancras

Vienne ► Londres tous les autres jours …

  • Étape 1, voyagez de
    Vienne à Cologne en train-couchette Nightjet,
    sortie Vienne
    à 20:13, Vienna Meidling 20:21, Linz 21:36 ou Wels 21:50, arrivée Cologne Hbf à
    06h51 le lendemain matin.

    Ce confortable autrichien
    a un
    climatisé Comfortline voiture-lits avec neuf 1, 2 et 3 couchages
    compartiments standard avec lavabo et trois chambres de luxe 1, 2 ou 3 couchages
    compartiments avec douche et toilettes. Il y a une douche à la fin du
    couloir pour les passagers des traverses régulières. Le train a plusieurs wagons-couchettes
    avec 4 et 6 compartiments de couchette et sièges ordinaires.
    Voir le Nightjet
    page pour un guide de l'hébergement à bord, des conseils de voyage, des photos et

    Il n'y a pas de voiture-restaurant, mais dans les dormeurs ou les couchettes, vous pouvez commander des boissons,
    snacks et plats chauds d'un menu room service, servis dans votre compartiment.
    Les tarifs des couchettes et couchettes comprennent un petit-déjeuner léger avec du thé ou du café.

    Astuce: si vous avez un billet
    pour un dormeur, vous pouvez utiliser le
    Salon de première classe ÖBB au
    Wien Hbf avec
    collations et vin gratuits.

1. Londres à
Bruxelles en Eurostar

À partir de 52 € aller simple, 78 € aller-retour 2e classe.

À partir de 115 € aller simple, 199 € aller-retour 1re classe.

Tarifs enfants

Bruxelles à
Cologne par Thalys / ICE

(pour quand le nightjet démarre à Cologne)

À partir de 19 € l'aller 2ème classe,
49 € par trajet 1ère classe.

3. Nightjet train-couchette de

Bruxelles ou Cologne à Vienne

aller simple par personne et par lit …

Dans un siège

Dans une couchette

Dans la voiture-lits

6 couchages

4 couchages

3 couchages

2 couchages

1 couchette

3 couchages

+ douche

2 couchages

+ douche

1 couchette

+ douche

Les tarifs commencent à …

29,90 €

49,90 €

59,90 €

89,90 €

109,90 €

159,90 €

99,90 €

139,90 €

189,90 €

Les tarifs varient comme les tarifs aériens, réservez
tôt pour les prix les moins chers.

Sur le train couchette, les couchettes sont
vendu à l'unité, donc un billet signifie un lit, les autres lits dans votre
le compartiment sera vendu à d'autres passagers. Pour occupation individuelle, tout simplement
réserver 1 billet dans une couchette 1 couchette ou 2 billets dans une couchette 2 couchages ou 4
billets dans une couchette 4 couchettes et ainsi de suite.

Les tarifs aller-retour sont deux fois plus
aller simple.

Les jours où le
Nightjet démarre à Bruxelles …

  • Étape 2, utilisez maintenant
    à nouveau pour réserver le
    Connexion Eurostar Londres-Bruxelles, ajouter au panier et départ.

    Vous imprimez vos propres billets ou pouvez les montrer sur votre smartphone.

    Conseil: Après la réservation, vous pouvez utiliser le Gérer la réservation établissement
    sur pour choisir
    un siège exact à partir d'un plan de table,

    voir les conseils sur le choix d'un siège sur l'Eurostar

    Conseil: Si vous venez d'une ville au nord de Londres,
    consultez les conseils sur l'achat de billets nationaux pour Londres pour vous connecter avec l'Eurostar.

  • Alternativement, vous
    pouvez réserver le train couchette Nightjet au
    Site Web des chemins de fer autrichiens
    (un peu plus délicat, en €, a été connu pour rejeter certaines cartes internationales,
    mais pas de frais de réservation) puis l'Eurostar à Cette
    signifie plus de travail sur plusieurs sites Web, les prix doivent être exactement les mêmes, mais non
    Frais de réservation.

Tous les autres jours
quand le Nightjet démarre à Cologne …

  • Étape 1, réservez le
    train-couchettes nightjet de Cologne à Vienne à l'un ou l'autre
    (facile à utiliser, anglais simple, en €, € ou $, cartes de crédit à l'étranger pas de problème, petit
    frais de réservation) ou des chemins de fer autrichiens (un peu plus
    fiddly, en €, a été connu pour rejeter certaines cartes internationales, mais aucune réservation
    frais). La réservation ouvre jusqu'à 6 mois à l'avance, mais moins que cela lorsque le
    mi-juin ou
    des changements d'horaire à la mi-décembre interviennent
    Vous imprimez votre
    possédez des billets ou pouvez les montrer sur votre smartphone.

  • Étape 2, toujours en utilisant,

    ajoutez maintenant un trajet Londres-Cologne,
    en utilisant les horaires des trains sur cette page comme guide. La réservation ouvre jusqu'à 180
    jours à l'avance pour Eurostar et ICE, mais seulement 120 jours pour les voyages impliquant
    Thalys. Si vous faites un aller-retour, il est préférable de le réserver en retour plutôt
    de deux aller simple car les tarifs aller-retour Eurostar coûtent moins de deux aller simple – si
    nécessaire, divisez la réservation comme ceci: Réservez Londres à Bruxelles et retour, ajoutez à
    panier, Bruxelles à Cologne aller simple, ajouter au panier, Cologne à Bruxelles aller simple,
    ajouter au panier et vérifier. J'autoriserais au moins 1 heure à l'aller et 1,5 heure à l'arrivée
    entre les trains à Cologne, juste en cas de retard. Vous imprimez le vôtre
    billets ou peut les montrer sur votre smartphone.

Comment acheter des billets par téléphone …

  • C'est moins cher et à bien des égards
    plus facile d'acheter en ligne, car
    vous pouvez voir par vous-même quels départs sont les moins chers pour chaque étape du
    voyage et vous évitez les frais de réservation par téléphone. La réservation en ligne est possible 24h / 24 et 7j / 7,
    mais la plupart des agences de réservation par téléphone ne travaillent que les heures de bureau en semaine. Cependant, si vous préférez
    Appeler quelqu'un, ici
    est une liste des agences de billetterie britanniques avec numéros de téléphone et heures d'ouverture
    . Pour un voyage entre le Royaume-Uni
    & Autriche J'appellerais la ligne téléphonique britannique de Deutsche Bahn, ou Ffestiniog Travel,
    International Rail ou Trainseurope.

Comment utiliser un pass Interrail pour
ce voyage …

  • Soyons clairs: si vous
    réservez longtemps à l'avance, les tarifs d'achat anticipé bon marché sont moins chers
    que d'utiliser un laissez-passer ferroviaire. Mais à court terme, lorsque les tarifs bon marché ont
    épuisé, ou si vous souhaitez avoir la possibilité de modifier votre itinéraire ou votre date de retour le
    le sabot, l'utilisation d'un laissez-passer peut être une bonne idée pour un aller-retour entre le Royaume-Uni et
    L'Autriche. Il couvre également la partie domestique de votre voyage dans le
    Royaume-Uni entre votre ville natale et Londres, et si vous avez des enfants de moins de 12 ans, ils obtiennent un
    laissez-passer gratuit pour que cela puisse faire pencher la balance sur le prix.

    Pour en savoir plus sur les pass Interrail et leur fonctionnement, cliquez ici

  • Coût?

    Un pass Interrail 4 jours en 1 mois
    coûte 209 € par adulte, 157 € pour les jeunes de moins de 28 ans, 187 € pour les aînés de plus de 60 ans.
    laissez-passer gratuit lorsqu'il est accompagné d'un adulte, mais doit tout de même payer les
    les frais de réservation dans leur intégralité.

    Vous devez ensuite ajouter un tarif Eurostar passholder, 30 € par trajet en Standard
    classe ou (avec un pass 1ère classe) 38 € par trajet en Standard Premier.

    Vous devez ensuite ajouter le supplément couchette ou couchette pour le
    Bruxelles-Vienne Nightjet, dans chaque sens, par
    Siège 14 €, couchette en 6 couchages 34 €, couchette en 4 couchages 44 €, lit en 3 couchages
    dormeur 54 €, lit dans un lit 2 places 74 €, lit dans un lit simple 114 €,
    couchette dans la couchette de luxe 2 couchages 94 €, couchette dans la couchette simple de luxe
    134 €. Seul un billet ou pass de 2e classe est nécessaire pour tous les Nightjet
    types d'hébergement.

  • Comment organiser votre

    Étape 1,
    réservez l'Eurostar en suivant les instructions ici. Faites ceci ou à
    au moins vérifier la disponibilité avant d'acheter le pass. Eurostar
    les tarifs des détenteurs de laissez-passer sont dans le 3ème du seau de prix le plus élevé, ce qui signifie
    disponibilité à court terme, mais peut être épuisé les jours de grande popularité ou
    départs, même s'il reste des sièges pour les passagers normaux payant les prix les plus élevés.
    Vous imprimez votre propre billet.

    Étape 2,

    réservez le dormeur sur en suivant les instructions ici
    Vous imprimez la réservation.

    Étape 3, une fois votre
    les réservations sont achetées, achetez un pass 4 jours en 1 mois à partir de Les laissez-passer doivent vous être envoyés ou envoyés par courrier,
    Vérifiez donc le nombre de jours dont le fournisseur a besoin pour cela et prévoyez une marge de sécurité.

Vacances et circuits en Autriche en train …

  • Les Railbookers sont un voyage en train
    spécialiste qui peut organiser un voyage ou des vacances en Autriche pour vous en tant que
    forfait, comprenant les voyages en train, les hôtels et les transferts. Sur leur site web
    vous trouverez une gamme de suggestions de circuits et de vacances qui peuvent être variées ou
    personnalisé selon vos propres besoins. Et pendant que vous réservez un forfait,
    ils prendront soin de vous si quelque chose arrive à une partie de l'itinéraire tel
    comme une grève ou un retard. L'un de leurs voyages les plus populaires est leur

    Ultimate Berlin, Prague, Vienne, Budapest
    qui commence par le train du Royaume-Uni.
    Il peut être personnalisé pour inclure également le voyage en train vers le Royaume-Uni, il suffit de demander

What's the journey like?

1. London to Brussels by Eurostar:

Eurostar trains link London & Brussels in just 2 hours, travelling at up to 300
km/h (186 mph).  There are two bar cars, power sockets at all seats and
free WiFi.  Standard Premier and Business Premier fares include a light
meal with wine (or breakfast, on departures before 11:00). Il y a un
30-minute minimum check-in (10-minutes for business premier) as all border
formalities are carried out before you board the train.
More information about Eurostar
including check-in procedure
St Pancras station
Brussels Midi station guide
Brussels, I recommend using the Pullman Hotel bar as your VIP waiting room

On days the sleeper starts in Cologne, take a Thalys from Brussels to Cologne: See the Thalys guide

Thalys trains have 3 classes, Standard (2nd class), Comfort (1st class seating) & Premium
(1st class seating with at-seat food & drink included in the fare). 
There's a cafe-bar selling drinks, snacks & hot dishes.  All seats have power sockets and there's free WiFi.
See the Thalys page for more photos
& information

2. Brussels or Cologne to Vienna by Nightjet:
See the Nightjet guide…

This is an
Austrian Railways (ÖBB) Nightjet train, with sleeping-car, couchettes &
seats.  The two sleeping-cars each have nine 1, 2 & 3 bed compartments with washbasin
and three 1, 2 or 3 bed deluxe compartments with private shower & toilet. 
The sleeper berths come fully made up with sheets and duvets, all sleeper
passengers get mineral water in the evening and a light breakfast served in
their compartment next morning.  Towels & toiletries are provided,
including shampoo and shower gel in the deluxe sleepers.  In the more
economical couchettes, you can book a couchette in a cheaper 6-berth compartment
or a less-crowded 4-berth compartment, each provided with sheet, blanket, pillow
& small bottle of water, and couchette passengers get a tea or coffee in the
morning.  When waiting for the northbound sleeper train in Vienna, if you
have booked a sleeper you can use the
ÖBB first class lounge with
complimentary drinks. 
More pictures & information about Nightjet trains.

The Nightjet sleeper from Brussels to Vienna at Brussels

On 20 January 2020, the
inaugural Nightjet left Brussels for Vienna, the first scheduled sleeper
train to leave Brussels in 16 years.  Above, that inaugural train
is seen ready to leave Brussels Midi on 20 January – naturally, the Man in Seat 61
was on board!

Nightjet deluxe 2-berth sleeper" class="shadow

Nightjet deluxe sleeper in day mode" class="shadow

Nightjet deluxe sleeper toilet & shower" class="shadow

Nightjet standard (economy) sleeper" class="shadow

Deluxe sleeper. Each compartment can be used as a 1, 2 or 3-bed room.
Larger photo.
Video of deluxe room

The same deluxe sleeper in
evening/morning mode with beds folded away, seats folded out.
Larger photo

Deluxe rooms have a compact shower & toilet, towels & hair/body wash provided.

Larger photo.

Standard sleeper
set up as 2-berth, washstand open. 
It can be used as a 1, 2 or 3 berth.
Larger photo

6-berth couchettes

4-berth couchette on Nightjet train
Couchette car on Brussels-Vienna sleeper

6-berth couchettes…

4-berth couchettes…

Couchette car on the
Brussels-Vienna Nightjet…

Video guide: Par
Nightjet to Vienna

Retour au sommet

Option 3:
London to Vienna using the Amsterdam-Vienna

This is similar to option 2, but instead of taking a mid-afternoon
Eurostar from
London to Brussels and the 3-times-a-week
Nightjet sleeper train from Brussels
to Vienna, you take a late-morning
Eurostar to Amsterdam, spend some time there,
then take the daily
Nightjet sleeper train from Amsterdam to Vienna.  OK,
so this is a round-about route taking a few hours longer, but London-Amsterdam
Eurostar fares are similar to (and often less than) London-Brussels fares,
Amsterdam-Vienna Nightjet fares are the same as Brussels-Vienna fares, this
option runs every day not just 3 times a week, and you get some time in the
Dutch capital.  So what's not to like?

London ► Vienna

  • Step 2, travel from Amsterdam to Vienna by
    Nightjet sleeper train,
    Amsterdam Centraal
    at 19:30 every day, arriving Wels 07:14, Linz 07:46,
    Vienna Meidling 09:11 &
    See important
    Covid-19 update about this Nightjet service

    This comfortable Austrian
    has an
    air-conditioned Comfortline sleeping-car with nine 1, 2 & 3-berth
    standard compartments with washbasin and three 1, 2 or 3-berth deluxe
    compartments with shower & toilet. There's a shower at the end of the
    corridor for passengers in the regular sleepers.  The train has couchette cars
    with 4 & 6 berth compartments, and ordinary seats cars.
    See the Nightjet
    page for a guide to on-board accommodation, travel tips, photos &

    There's no restaurant car, but in sleepers or couchettes you can order drinks,
    snacks and hot dishes from a room service menu, served in your compartment. 
    The sleeper & couchette fares include a light breakfast with tea or coffee,
    served in your compartment.

    The train travels
    along the famous Rhine Valley between Koblenz (23:46) and Mainz (00:39), so if you're
    still awake and your compartment happens to be on the left-hand side of the train,
    switch off the lights and watch the Rhine pass by, mountains, vineyards, castles
    & the legendary Lorelei Rock lit by moonlight.  Wonderful!

Vienna ► London

  • Step 1, travel from
    Vienna to Amsterdam by direct
    Nightjet sleeper train,
    leaving Vienna
    at 20:13, Vienna Meidling 20:21, Linz 21:36 or Wels 21:50 every day, arriving
    Amsterdam Centraal
    at 09:58 next morning.
    See important
    Covid-19 update about this Nightjet service

    This comfortable Austrian
    has an
    air-conditioned Comfortline sleeping-car with nine 1, 2 & 3-berth
    standard compartments with washbasin and three 1, 2 or 3-berth deluxe
    compartments with shower & toilet. There's a shower at the end of the
    corridor for passengers in the regular sleepers.  The train has couchette cars
    with 4 & 6 berth compartments, and ordinary seats cars.
    See the Nightjet
    page for a guide to on-board accommodation, travel tips, photos &

    There's no restaurant car, but in sleepers or couchettes you can order drinks,
    snacks and hot dishes from a room service menu, served in your compartment. 
    The sleeper & couchette fares include a light breakfast with tea or coffee.

    Tip: If you have a ticket
    for a sleeper, you can use the
    ÖBB first class lounge at
    Vienna Hbf with
    complimentary tea, coffee, snacks & wine.

    Tip: Dans
    Amsterdam, I recommend the
    Cafe 1e
    Klas as your VIP waiting room

  • Step 2, travel from
    Amsterdam to London by
    Amsterdam Centraal at
    13:46 arriving
    London St Pancras
    at 17:00.

    Times vary,
    so check what trains Eurostar is running on your date at 
    Always allow at least 1 hour between trains in Amsterdam, ideally more. Par
    all means book a later Eurostar and spend a day in Amsterdam!

1. London to
Amsterdam by Eurostar

From €40 each way in 2nd class.

2. Nightjet sleeper train from

Amsterdam to Vienna

one-way per person per bed…

In a seat

In a couchette

In the sleeping-car







+ shower


+ shower


+ shower

Fares start at…










Fares vary like air fares, book
early for the cheapest prices.

On the sleeper train, berths are
sold individually, so one ticket means one bed, the other beds in your
compartment will be sold to other passengers.  For sole occupancy, simply
book 1 ticket in a 1-berth sleeper or 2 tickets in a 2-berth sleeper or 4
tickets in a 4-berth couchette and so on.

Return fares are twice the
one-way fare.

How to buy tickets by phone…

  • It's cheaper and in many ways
    easier to buy online, as
    you can see for yourself which departures are cheapest for each stage of the
    journey and you avoid phone booking fees.  Online booking is possible 24/7,
    but most telephone booking agencies only work office hours on weekdays.  However, if you'd rather
    call someone, ici
    is a list if UK ticketing agencies with phone numbers & opening hours
    . For a journey between the UK
    & Austria I'd call Deutsche Bahn's UK phone line, or Ffestiniog Travel,
    International Rail or Trainseurope.

What's the journey like?

1. London to Amsterdam by Eurostar:

Eurostar trains link London & Amsterdam in just 3h55, travelling at up to 300
km/h (186 mph).  There are two bar cars, power sockets at all seats and
free WiFi.  Standard Premier and Business Premier fares include a light
meal with wine (or breakfast, on departures before 11:00). Il y a un
30-minute minimum check-in (10-minutes for business premier) as all border
formalities are carried out before you board the train.
More information about Eurostar
including check-in procedure
St Pancras station
Amsterdam Centraal station guide.

2. Amsterdam to Vienna by Nightjet:
See the Nightjet guide…

This is an
Austrian Railways (ÖBB) Nightjet train, with sleeping-car, couchettes &
seats.  The sleeping-car has nine 1, 2 & 3 bed compartments with washbasin, plus
three deluxe compartments with 1, 2 or 3 beds with private shower & toilet. 
The sleeper berths come fully made up with sheets and duvets, all sleeper
passengers get mineral water in the evening and a light breakfast served in
their compartment next morning.  Towels & toiletries are provided,
including shampoo and shower gel in the deluxe sleepers.  In the more
economical couchettes, you can book a couchette in a cheaper 6-berth compartment
or a less-crowded 4-berth compartment, each provided with sheet, blanket, pillow
& small bottle of water, and couchette passengers get a tea or coffee in the
morning.  When waiting for the northbound sleeper train in Vienna, if you
have booked a sleeper you can use the
ÖBB first class lounge with
complimentary drinks. 
More pictures & information about Nightjet trains.

The Nightjet sleeper at Vienna

The new Amsterdam-Vienna Nightjet
starts in early 2021.  Above, the Nightjet arrived at
Vienna Hbf.

Nightjet deluxe 2-berth sleeper" class="shadow

Nightjet deluxe sleeper in day mode" class="shadow

Nightjet deluxe sleeper toilet & shower" class="shadow

Nightjet standard (economy) sleeper" class="shadow

Deluxe sleeper. Each compartment can be used as a 1, 2 or 3-bed room.
Larger photo.
Video of deluxe room

The same deluxe sleeper in
evening/morning mode with beds folded away, seats folded out.
Larger photo

Deluxe rooms have a compact shower & toilet, towels & hair/body wash provided.

Larger photo.

Standard sleeper
set up as 2-berth, washstand open. 
It can be used as a 1, 2 or 3 berth.
Larger photo

6-berth couchettes

4-berth couchette on Nightjet train
Couchette car on Brussels-Vienna sleeper

6-berth couchettes…

4-berth couchettes…

Couchette car on the
Brussels-Vienna Nightjet…

Retour au sommet

Option 4:  London to Vienna with
overnight stop in
Zurich. The scenic

If you prefer daytime trains & scenery to overnight sleepers and want a
leisurely journey with an overnight break, here's the scenic route with a hotel
stop in Zurich.  Take
an afternoon Eurostar & evening high-speed
TGV-Lyria from London to
Zurich in Switzerland, stay overnight, and next morning
take a
relaxing low-speed ride on a modern
railjet train
along the
Zürichsee then snaking through the fabulously scenic Arlberg Pass
into Austria.  The world-class scenery through the Alps makes it
a worthwhile experience!  By all means go one way by
sleeper, the other by day. 
See for yourself, watch the video
& voir
the photos below

On board a railjet to Austria" width="276" height="210

First class on a RailJet to Vienna,
with a nice weissbier served at my seat. 

London ► Vienna

  • Day 1, travel from
    London to Paris by
    Eurostar, leaving
    London St Pancras at
    13:31 arriving
    Gare du Nord
    at 16:47. 
    Eurostar times vary, an earlier train may be necessary on certain dates.
    Cross Paris by
    metro or taxi
    Gare de Lyon.

  • Day 1, travel from
    Paris to Switzerland by high-speed
    TGV-Lyria, leaving
    Paris Gare de Lyon at
    18:22 and arriving in Zurich HB at 22:26. 
    This double-deck high-speed train travels at up to 320 km/h (199 mph), it has a cafe-bar,
    power sockets at all seats & free WiFi.  Book an upper deck seat for the
    best views.

  • Stay overnight in Zurich. For something
    special, look no further than the superb
    Hotel Schweizerhof,
    just across the road from Zurich
    station.  One of my favourite hotels, they'll even
    send a uniformed commissionaire to meet you at the
    station and carry your bags from the train.  For something cheaper but also
    near the station with great reviews, try the

    Hotel du Théatre
    ou alors

    Hotel St Gotthard
    . If you're on a tight budget you can book
    inexpensive private rooms in a one-star hotel or backpacker hostel near the
    station using

  • Day 2, travel from Zurich
    to Vienna by smart Austrian
    railjet train
    through the fabulous Arlberg
    Pass and into the Austrian Tirol, using any train you like. 
    The first train of the day
    leaves Zurich HB at 06:40 arriving
    Linz at 13:14 and Vienna
    at 14:30, the next one leaves Zurich at 10:40 arriving Linz 17:14 and Vienna
    at 18:30.

    This is an amazingly scenic route, the train runs along the Zürichsee and
    Walensee lakes, then hugs the mountainside and snakes through a huge valley,
    past Swiss & Austrian scenery taken straight from The Sound of Music.
    Look out for views of Salzburg's castle on the right as the train crosses
    the River Salzach approaching Salzburg station.  There are power sockets at
    all seats & free WiFi.  A bistro car is available
    for lunch, or in first & business classes food orders are taken by the
    stewardess & served at your seat, so treat yourself as the scenery passes by! 
    For the best views, find an unreserved seat on the left hand side of the train
    leaving Zurich, that way you'll be on the lake side of the train out of Zurich,
    the train reverses at Buchs, then you'll be on the right-hand (valley) side of
    the train through most of the Arlberg Pass, and on the right side for views of
    Salzburg castle.

    See the Arlberg Railway page &
    watch the video!

Vienna ► London

  • Day 1, travel from
    Vienna to Zurich through
    the Alps via the fabulous Arlberg Pass.  There are a
    number of
    trains to choose from, for example a
    railjet train leaves
    at 09:30 or Linz at 10:46,
    arriving Zurich HB at 17:20.  Or there's a 13:30
    railjet train from
    , 14:46 from Linz via the same route
    arriving Zurich HB at 21:20.  Or a 15:30
    railjet train from Vienna, 16:46 from Linz arriving
    Zurich HB at 23:20.

    It's a really scenic
    route – the train travels past Salzburg's impressive
    citadel, through the Austrian Tirol, snakes through the
    scenic Arlberg Pass in the Alps, then along the Walensee
    and Zürichsee lakes to Zurich.  For the best views,
    find an unreserved seat on the left hand side of the
    train leaving Vienna. There are power sockets at all seats & free WiFi. UNE
    bistro car is available for lunch, or in first & business
    classes food orders are taken by the stewardess &
    served at your seat, so treat

    See the Arlberg Railway page &
    Watch the video

How much does it cost?

  • London to Paris by Eurostar starts at €52 one-way or
    €78 return in standard class, €115 one-way, €199 return standard premier (1st

  • Paris to Zurich
    starts at €29 each way in 2nd class or €79 in 1st class.

  • Zurich to Vienna
    starts at €39 each way in 2nd class, €54 in 1st class or €69 in business class.

  • Fares work like air
    fares, rising at departure date approaches, so book early for the cheapest
    fares.  You'll find full
    details of London-Paris fares on the London to Paris by Eurostar page and full details of Paris-Zurich fares
    on the London to Switzerland page.

How to buy tickets…

  • Step 1, buy tickets from London to Paris & Paris to Zurich at
    recommend reading these booking tips first

    Booking at
    you to book all your tickets in one place, in plain English, in €, € or $. There's a small booking fee. 
    About Rail Europe. 
    You can either book each sector separately, add to basket and pay at the end, or
    you can book from London to Zurich in one go.

    Make sure you allow at least 60 minutes between trains
    southbound, 90 minutes northbound (to allow for the
    30 minute Eurostar check-in).

    Booking usually opens 120 days ahead, and you can print your own tickets or show
    them on your smartphone. .

    If you're booking less than 3 months ahead you can buy tickets to Zurich starting at any station in Britain, not
    just London.

  • Step 2, now buy your ticket from Zurich to Vienna at  A reserved seat is not
    essential, it's optional for an extra €3 or so but a good idea.  You print
    your own ticket.

  • Alternatively, more
    work, a little more fiddly, same prices, but with no booking fee, you can (1) book the Eurostar
    à, then (2) book
    the Paris-Zurich TGV-Lyria at the French Railways website,
    then (3) book Zurich to Austria at the Austrian Railways website 
    You print your own tickets or can show them on your smartphone.

How to buy tickets by phone…

  • It's better to book online,
    avoiding phone booking fees and seeing for yourself which trains have the
    cheapest fares.  But to buy tickets by phone, call International Rail on 0844 248 248
    3, lines open 09:00-17:00 Monday-Friday.  Overseas callers call +44 844
    2482483.  Remember to book early for the cheapest prices, ideally 2-3
    months ahead, as just like air fares prices increase closer to departure.  International Rail are equipped with both the French and German
    rail ticketing systems, so can offer the best prices all the trains between
    London and Austria.  They charge a €10 booking fee for bookings under €100,
    €20 for €100-€300, €30 above €300.  In many cases tickets can be emailed to
    you as e-tickets, so there's no postage fee or delay.

  • Alternatively, you can call
    Bahn's UK phone line on 00 49 (0)30 311 68 29 04 (lines open 09:00-20:00
    Monday-Friday, 09:00-13:00 Saturday & Sunday, no booking fee, 2% credit card
    charge). Cliquez sur
    for more information on how to buy European train tickets.

Holidays & tours to Austria by train…

  • Railbookers are a train travel
    specialist who can put together a tour or holiday to Austria for you as a
    package, including rail travel, hotels & transfers.  Their website
    has a range of suggested tours & holidays which can be varied or
    customised to your requirements.  And as you're booking a package,
    they'll take care of you if anything happens such
    as a strike or delay.  One of their most popular trips is their

    Ultimate Berlin, Prague, Vienna, Budapest
    which starts by train from the UK. 
    It can be customised to include train travel back to the UK as well, just ask.  Also popular is their

    Zurich, Salzburg & Vienna via the Alps
    route, which takes you via the scenic
    Arlberg Pass and which can also be customised with train travel to and from the

    UK flag
    UK call 0207 864 4600,

    US flag
    US call free 1-888-829-4775,

    Canadian flag Canada call free 1-855-882-2910,

    Australian flag
    Australia call toll-free 1300 971 526,

    New Zealand flag
    New Zealand call toll-free 0800 000 554 or

  • Escorted tours:  If you'd like to travel with a convivial group of
    travellers escorted by a professional tour guide, the operators to check are
    Great Rail Journeys (, in the UK call 01904 527 120)
    et Rail Discoveries,,
    01904 730 727.  Both have various escorted tours from the UK to Austria by
    train, with departures on a variety of dates.

1. London to Paris by Eurostar...

Eurostar trains link London & Paris in 2h20, travelling at up to 300 km/h (186
mph).  There are two bar cars, power sockets at all seats and free WiFi. 
Standard Premier and Business Premier fares include a light meal with wine (or
breakfast, on departures before 11:00).  There's a 30-minute minimum
check-in (10-minutes for business premier) as all border formalities are carried
out before you board the train.
More information about Eurostar including check-in procedure
St Pancras station
Paris Gare du Nord
station guide

2. Paris
to Zurich by TGV-Lyria:
More information about TGV-Lyria.

All TGV-Lyria trains are now 320km/h (199 mph) double-deck TGV
Duplex like the one shown below.  TGV-Lyria trains have 3 classes:  Standard
class (2nd), standard premiere (1st class) and business premiere (1st class with
hot meal & drinks included in the fare).  There's a cafe-bar car selling drinks &
There are power points for
mobiles & laptops at all seats in all classes.  Lyria is a
consortium of the French and Swiss national railways. 
More information about TGV-Lyria.
Paris Gare de Lyon
station guide
. Zurich
HB station guide

TGV-Lyria to Geneva at Paris Gare de Lyon" width="774" height="240

TGV-Lyria euroduplex train at Paris Gare de Lyon.
These 320 km/h double-deck trains now operate all TGV-Lyria services.

TGV Duplex cafe-bar

TGV Duplex upper deck 2nd class seats

The cafe-bar on
the upper deck in car 4, serving tea, coffee, soft drinks, wine, beer,
snacks & microwave-style hot dishes…

2nd class seats,
this is upper deck seating.  There's a mix or tables for 4 and
unidirectional seating.

360º photo.

First class on board a TGV Duplex" width="302" height="200
A TGV-Lyria Duplex at Paris Gare de Lyon" width="457" height="200

on the upper deck, with a club duo on the left, a club quatre on the right.

360º photo.

A TGV-Lyria for Geneva, boarding at Paris Gare de Lyon.  You enter
on the lower deck, with 9 stairs up to top deck.

3. Zurich to
by Railjet…

Railjets are ÖBB's
(Austrian Railways) premier trains, with economy & 1st class, plus a premium 1st
class called business class.  There's a restaurant car, power sockets at
all seats & free WiFi.  In 1st & business class, restaurant car orders are
taken and served at your seat.  This journey takes you along the Swiss
lakes Zürichsee & Walensee, past Sargans castle, then into Austria through the
beautiful Arlberg Pass.

More photos, information & tips about railjet trains & the scenic Arlberg Railway
Zurich HB station guide.

A railjet train about to leave Zurich Hbf for Innsbruck, Salzburg & Vienna" width="774" height="240

A railjet to Innsbruck, Salzburg
& Vienna about to leave
Zurich HB

Railjet train at Vienna Hbf
Railjet train standard class

A railjet arrived at the
impressive modern Vienna
Hbf spot on time.
More photos & information about Railjet

Railjet economy class, in open saloons with large
windows.  Some seats around tables,
most unidirectional.

Railjet 1st class

Premium class seats on the Munich-Vienna RailJet train" width="177" height="220

Railjet restaurant car" width="215" height="220

Railjet first
, with black leather seats…

Business class

The restaurant…

through the Arlberg
Pass into Austria

The lakes between Zurich and the Austrian border

Soon after leaving
Zurich, the Railjet is running alongside the
Zürichsee, then along the Walensee…

Train into Austria: Mountain scenery" width="335" height="220 Mountain scenery near Buchs" width="422" height="220

Watch out for hilltop castles – this is Sargans castle, seen from the train…

The train cuts across
Liechtenstein, passing non-stop through Schaan-Vaduz station…

Arlberg scenery

The mountains keep on coming…

Train into Austria, more scenery" width="380" height="220 Snowy peaks!" width="375" height="220

Mountain scenery and
snowy peaks all the way, as the air-conditioned
Railjet crosses into Austria…

Taking the train through the Arlberg pass..." width="450" height="220 Lunch is served at your seat in first & business classes

In the Arlberg pass itself, the
railway hugs the valley side, past fir forests and

first & business class, orders are taken & served at your

View of Salzburg as the train crosses the River Salzach

The view of the Fortress
Hohensalzburg as the Railjet crosses the River Salzach & approaches Salzburg

Watch the Video:
By railjet through the Arlberg Pass…

Retour au sommet

Mozart's birthplace, Salzburg" width="320" height="245" style="margin-bottom: 0; margin-left:0

Salzburg Castle. le
views over the old town and to the nearby mountains are
wonderful.  The castle is reached via a funicular
railway, included in the admission price. Voir

Which route to choose?

London to Salzburg by
train is no problem at all.  Choose one these options:

  • Option 1, London to Salzburg in a day via Brussels

    Take a morning Eurostar to Brussels, an
    ICE to Frankfurt,
    another ICE on to
    Munich and a connecting train to Salzburg.  This
    involves two changes rather than one change going via Paris in option 2, but if
    you find one of German Railways cheaper Sparpreis fares available it's
    potentially the cheapest
    way to reach Austria.  This would probably be my own
    first choice.

  • Option 2, London to Salzburg
    in a day via Paris
    . Take a mid-morning Eurostar to Paris, a 320
    km/h (199
    mph) TGV Duplex high-speed train to Munich, and a late night train to Salzburg. 
    London to Austria in one day!

  • Option 3, London to Salzburg by
    Nightjet sleeper train
    . The most time-effective option. Take
    an afternoon Eurostar to Brussels and the 3-times-a-week direct
    Nightjet sleeper train
    from Brussels to Wels in Austria.  Change in Wels for a railjet train to
    Salzburg, arriving before 09:00.

  • Option 4, London to Salzburg
    with overnight stop in Zurich – the scenic route!
    Take a lunchtime
    Eurostar to Paris and an evening TGV-Lyria
    to Zurich in Switzerland, stay overnight, then travel on to Salzburg next day
    through the
    fabulously scenic Arlberg Pass. 
    If you've the time, this is the way I'd choose, a relaxing & very scenic trip.  By all means
    go out one way and back another!

  • Option 5: 
    By ferry from Harwich
    Travel from London or Cambridge to
    Amsterdam on the overnight Rail & Sail service, sleeping in a cosy
    private cabin with en suite toilet, shower & satellite TV on the Stena Line
    ferry from Harwich to Hoek van Holland, all for one inclusive
    price.  Next day, take daytime trains or the Nightjet sleeper train from
    Amsterdam to
    Austria.  This route is useful if you need to go at short notice when all
    the cheap Eurostar tickets have sold out, if you live in East Anglia and want to
    by-pass London, or if you have an aversion to the Tunnel.

  • Option 6:  By
    ferry from Newcastle or Hull
    :  Sail overnight from Newcastle or Hull to
    Holland, spend the day in Amsterdam, then take a Nightjet sleeper train to

  • You can go out one way and
    back another if you like, as each train is ticketed separately with one-way
    fares, except for Eurostar which is cheaper booked as a round trip to Paris or a
    round trip to Brussels because a return fare is less than two one-ways.  From other UK town & cities, travel up
    to London to connect with Eurostar,
    see this advice, or use the
    overnight ferry from Hull
    or Newcastle

Option 1:  London to Salzburg
in a day
via Brussels

This route
involves one more change compared to going via Paris (voir
option 2 below
), but the changes of train are all quick and easy
same-station changes.

London ► Salzburg

Salzburg ► London

  • Option 1,
    departing 06:40 Mondays-Saturdays arriving 18:10:  Leave Salzburg
    at 06:40 by Intercity train, change at Munich, Frankfurt & Brussels
    Eurostar to
    London, arriving London St Pancras at 19:57 (arrives at 21:03 on a few dates).

  • Option 2,
    departing 08:00 daily arriving 19:57:  Leave Salzburg
    by EuroCity train at 08:00, change at Frankfurt onto a
    high-speed ICE
    to Brussels
    , change at Brussels onto
    Eurostar to
    London, arriving London St Pancras at 19:57 (arrives at 21:03 on a few dates).

  • Option 3,
    departing 10:00 daily except Saturdays arriving 21:33:  Leave Salzburg
    by EuroCity train at 10:00, change at
    Frankfurt (Main)
    onto a
    high-speed ICE to
    , change at Brussels onto
    Eurostar to
    London, arriving London St Pancras at

How much does it cost?

  • London to Brussels by Eurostar starts at €52
    one-way or €78 return in standard class, €115 one-way, €199 return standard
    premier (1st class).

  • Brussels to Salzburg starts at €27.90 each way in 2nd
    class or €69.90 each way in 1st class.

  • Fares are dynamic like air fares,
    so for the cheapest prices book early and avoid busy times such as Fridays or
    Sunday afternoons.

How to buy tickets

  • Buy tickets from London to
    Salzburg at
    ou alors

    Anyone from any country can
    ou alors, in
    plain English, in €, € or $, international credit cards accepted.  There's
    a small booking fee.

    You print your own ticket, or
    after booking you can load the Eurostar ticket into the Eurostar app, and
    show the DB ticket on your laptop or smartphone.

  • When does booking open?

    Booking for
    Eurostar and onward
    trains to Austria opens up to 180 days ahead, but often significantly less than
    this when the mid-December timetable change intervenes.  Any journey
    involving a Brussels-Cologne Thalys
    only opens 120 days ahead.  More about when booking opens.

  • Booking tips…

    Fares are dynamic like
    air fares, so book early for the cheapest prices and avoid busy days such as
    Fridays or Sunday afternoons.

    It can help to
    specify Brussels as a passant par station if you want to see journeys with an
    easy same-station change in Brussels, rather than also seeing journeys via
    Paris.  At,
    Cliquez sur More options and enter Brussels (any station).

    After booking you

    use the Eurostar Manage Booking system to select an exact seat on

  • Is it a through ticket?

    No, as there are no through
    tickets from London to Salzburg any more,

    DB's Sparpreis London fares were discontinued in March 2020
    . Mais
    will seamlessly sell you a
    Eurostar ticket
    from London to Brussels plus an onward ticket from Brussels to Salzburg.

  • One-way or round trip?

    Eurostar, a return
    ticket costs significantly less than two one-ways. Avec
    ICE &
    Thalys, a return is normally two
    one-ways.  So for a round trip you
    should book London to Salzburg & back as a return journey, or for more control
    over the booking, book London-Brussels as a return journey to benefit
    from the round trip discount, add to basket, then book Brussels to Salzburg one
    way, add to basket, then Salzburg to Brussels one-way, add to basket & check

    An 'open jaw' journey out from
    London to Salzburg, back from Munich to London, would be cheapest booked as London
    to Brussels & back, add to basket, Brussels to Salzburg one-way, add to basket,
    Munich to Brussels one-way, add to basket, and check out.  Easy when you

  • Seat reservations

    A seat reservation on
    Eurostar is
    automatically included with every Eurostar ticket.  It's the same with
    . However, seat reservations on ICE trains
    are optional, if you want a reserved seat it can be added during
    the booking process for fee of around €4.50 each way.  A reserved seat is a
    good idea, especially at busy periods, so I'd add one when prompted.

  • About the 20-minute
    connections (sometimes less) between Eurostar & ICEs at Brussels Midi…

    The slick 20-minute
    connection in Brussels between Eurostar and an onward ICE, sometimes less
    than this, is usually a recognised connection which lots of people make. 
    It's not usually a problem,
    especially if
    you use the Brussels Midi short cut between platforms

    Even though the system sells
    you separate tickets either side of Brussels, you are protected by the
    so if there's a delay and you miss the connection you
    will be allowed to travel on later onwards trains at no extra charge.

    The system is programmed to
    know which connections are recognised/acceptable and which are too tight –
    if you intend booking your Eurostar and ICE tickets separately (which I
    often do to check prices for Eurostar and onwards trains separately, and to
    retain more control over the booking) it's wise to run a London-Cologne
    enquiry first just to check that the system does indeed recognise that
    specific Eurostar as connecting with that specific onward ICE, on that
    specific date.

    Tip:  Nothing stops you
    booking an earlier Eurostar than the one which directly connects with your
    chosen onward ICE, if it has cheaper fares or if you want a more robust
    connection. There
    are plenty of places for a meal, coffee or beer between trains in Brussels

  • How to buy a connecting
    ticket from other UK towns & cities
    See the advice on special add-on
    tickets here

  • Onward tickets
    from Salzburg
    to Vienna and other Austrian cities
    can be booked at either
    (easiest) or Austrian Railways' own
    website from just €19 if you
    pre-book.  Potentially, that's London to Vienna for €78, about €65!

Another way to buy

  • This is a little more work,
    but there's no booking fee.  Obviously, do a dry run on both sites
    first to check availability & prices.  Also check that your outward
    Eurostar and ICE are indeed a recognised connection by checking that they
    appear together when you run a London to Cologne enquiry at,
    as explained in the paragraph about the 20-minute connections in Brussels in
    the previous section.

  • Step 1, book the Eurostar from London
    to Brussels (and back, if returning) at and print
    your own ticket, or load it into the Eurostar app to show on your smartphone. 
    Eurostar return fares are significantly less than two one-ways, so if you're
    coming back, make sure you book this as a round trip.  After booking you can

    use the Eurostar Manage Booking system to select an exact seat on

  • Step 2, book from Brussels to
    Salzburg at the German Railways site
    and print your own ticket or show it on your laptop or smartphone.  I recommend registering when prompted so you can log in and
    check your bookings or re-print tickets at any time.  An advantage of
    booking direct with
    is that you can select an exact seat on
    ICE trains
    from a seating plan.  A round trip is ticketed as two
    one-ways, so feel free to book one way at a time if it's easier.

    Tip: With
    you can add a stopover and still get the end-to-end cheap fare, it allows up to
    2 stopovers within the 2-day ticket validity to be incorporated in your booking using
    les Add intermediate stops link.  You simply specify the duration of the
    stopover in hours & minutes in the hh:mm box.  Why not stop off
    in Cologne or Munich?

an Interrail pass
, cheapest for a round trip at short notice

  • If you book in advance, advance-purchase tickets are usually
    the cheapest & easiest way to make this journey.  But at short
    notice when regular fares become expensive (basically whenever regular
    tickets exceed €280 or so return) it can be cheaper to use an Interrail
    pass for a round trip from the UK to Salzburg & back.  The pass will
    also cover your UK domestic train between your home station & London.

  • Step 1, buy a 4-days in
    1-month Interrail pass from It will need to be posted to you, but
    can be sent Royal Mail Special Delivery overnight.
    See Interrail pass prices
    and learn more about how Interrail passes work on the Interrail page

  • Step 2, in addition to the
    pass you need to pay for a Eurostar passholder fare from London to Brussels
    and back on the dates you want.
    See prices & how to
    make Eurostar passholder reservations online
    . Toi
    print these tickets out. Tip:  As passholder availability is
    limited, I recommend checking Eurostar passholder fare availability before
    buying a pass, although you will need the pass cover number before you can

  • Step 3, reservations between
    Brussels and Salzburg are optional, you can just sit in any empty unreserved
    seat and show your pass when asked.  However, it's a good idea to make
    seat reservations for long journeys, you can reserve seats for around €4.50
    each way at
    by entering Brussels to Salzburg and clicking the Seat only (no ticket)
    link at the bottom of the page, to the left of the red rechercher bouton.

What's the journey like?

1. London to Brussels by Eurostar:

Eurostar trains link London & Brussels in just 2 hours, travelling at up to 300
km/h (186 mph).  There are two bar cars, power sockets at all seats and
free WiFi.  Standard Premier and Business Premier fares include a light
meal with wine (or breakfast, on departures before 11:00). Il y a un
30-minute minimum check-in (10-minutes for business premier) as all border
formalities are carried out before you board the train.
More information about Eurostar
including check-in procedure
St Pancras station
Brussels Midi station guide

short cut for changing trains in Brussels

2.  Brussels to Frankfurt & Frankfurt to Munich by ICE…

Germany's superb ICE (InterCity Express) high-speed trains have a
bistro-restaurant car, power sockets at all seats & free WiFi.  In 1st
class, bistro orders are taken at your seat. le
ICE3 train from Cologne to
Frankfurt calls at Liège, where you can admire the impressive station designed
by celebrity architect Santiago Calatrava, and at
Cologne Hbf,
where you'll see Cologne Cathedral to the right as you approach, right next to
the station.  Immediately after leaving
Cologne Hbf, the
train crosses the long

Hohenzollern bridge
over the Rhine before joining the 300km/h high-speed
line to Frankfurt.
More information
about ICE
Brussels Midi station guide
Frankfurt (Main)
Hbf station guide
Munich Hbf station

Erdinger Weissbier on the Frankfurt-Brussels ICE train" width="360" height="250

Restaurant car on the Frankfurt-Brussels ICE3M train" width="397" height="250

Food is served on proper china
with metal cutlery.  I highly recommend the Erdinger Weissbier.
See  current
month's menu

Restaurant car:  This
is the small 12-seat restaurant on an ICE3M. 
ICE3 classes 403 & 407 have a larger restaurant area.
Larger photo.

Travel tips…

  • Tip 1:
    Take the
    couloir sud short cut
    when changing trains from Eurostar
    onto an ICE at
    Brussels Midi.  Diving
    down the 'Couloir sud' escalator half way along the Eurostar platform makes
    changing trains much quicker than slowly following the crowds off the front
    end of the Eurostar platforms and going the long way round to the main

  • Tip
    If you DO miss a connection because of a late-running train, don't panic,
    just get your ticket endorsed by the station staff.  Because you're
    travelling with a 'through ticket' you're entitled to travel onwards forward
    on the next available later train at no extra charge. 
    All explained here.

Holidays & tours to Austria by train…

  • Escorted tours:  If you'd like to travel with a convivial group of
    travellers escorted by a professional tour guide, the operators to check are
    Great Rail Journeys (, in the UK call 01904 527 120)
    et Rail Discoveries,,
    01904 730 727.  Both have various escorted tours from the UK to Austria by
    train, with departures on a variety of dates.

Retour au sommet

Option 2:  London to Salzburg
in a day via Paris

Mozart's birthplace, Salzburg" width="206" height="270

Mozart's birthplace… This is the house
where Mozart was born, in Salzburg's old town, see
Salzburg is in many ways a much nicer place to visit
than Vienna, though others may disagree!

You can travel from London to Salzburg in a single day via Paris, using
Eurostar, a Paris-Munich
and an onwards train to
Salzburg.  This route is sometimes cheaper than option 1, sometimes not.  It's slightly
faster but not nearly as scenic as option 3.

London ► Salzburg

  • Step 3, have dinner in Munich then travel
    from Munich to Salzburg by regional train leaving
    Munich Hbf at 22:43 and arriving
    in Salzburg at 00:37.  An earlier connection is possible on Saturdays, of
    course.  You can check times at

Salzburg ► London

  • Step 1,
    travel from Salzburg to Paris, leaving Salzburg daily at 10:00 by air-conditioned EuroCity
    train, changing at Stuttgart on some dates or at Munich & Stuttgart on others,
    onto a 320km/h double-deck

    to Paris leaving
    Stuttgart daily at 14:52, arriving at
    Paris Gare de l'Est 18:05.  A café-bar is available.  In Paris,
    it's a
    10 minute walk
    from the Gare du Nord to the Gare de l'Est

  • Step 2, travel
    from Paris to London by
    Eurostar, leaving
    Paris Gare du
    19:13 arriving London St Pancras
    at 20:46.

  • Alternatively, on
    Mondays-Saturdays, you can also leave Salzburg at 05:45 by
    Intercity train,
    changing at Stuttgart on some dates or at Munich & Stuttgart on others onto a
    320 km/h double-deck
    to Paris leaving
    Stuttgart at 10:52 (10:32 some dates)  arriving Paris Est 14:05. 
    by Eurostar at 15:13 and arrive
    London St Pancras at 16:39.

How much does it cost?

  • London to Paris by Eurostar starts at €52 one-way or
    €78 return in standard class, €115 one-way, €199 return standard premier (1st

  • Paris to Salzburg starts at €39 each way in 2nd class, €69 each way in 1st

How to buy tickets…

  • Step 1, book the Eurostar from London to Paris at 
    You book online and print your own ticket.

  • Step 2, book
    from Paris to Salzburg & back at the German Railways website 
    You simply print your own ticket.  I recommend
    registering when prompted, so you can log in at any time and
    check or re-print tickets.

  • Alternatively, you can book both tickets in one place at, also
    with print-your-own tickets.  With you can either book each
    train separately, adding it to your basket and paying at the end, or you can
    book from London to Salzburg in one go, although it may help to click Suite
    and specify Paris in the passant par box. There's a small booking fee.

How to buy tickets by phone…

  • To buy tickets by phone, call International Rail on 0844 248 248
    3, lines open 09:00-17:00 Monday-Friday.  Overseas callers call +44 844
    2482483.  Remember to book early for the cheapest prices, ideally 2-3
    months ahead, as just like air fares prices increase closer to departure.  International Rail are equipped with both the French and German
    rail ticketing systems, so can offer the best prices all the trains between
    London and Austria.  They charge a €10 booking fee for bookings under €100,
    €20 for €100-€300, €30 above €300.  In many cases tickets can be emailed to
    you as e-tickets, so there's no postage fee or delay.

  • Alternatively, call
    Bahn's UK phone line on 00 49 (0)30 311 68 29 04 (lines open 09:00-20:00
    Monday-Friday, 09:00-13:00 Saturday & Sunday, no booking fee, 2% credit card

What's the journey like?

1. London to Paris by Eurostar…

Eurostar trains link London & Paris in 2h20, travelling at up to 300 km/h (186
mph).  There are two bar cars, power sockets at all seats and free WiFi. 
Standard Premier and Business Premier fares include a light meal with wine (or
breakfast, on departures before 11:00).  There's a 30-minute minimum
check-in (10-minutes for business premier) as all border formalities are carried
out before you board the train.
More information about Eurostar including check-in procedure
St Pancras station
Paris Gare du Nord
station guide

Eurostar e320
Eurostar e320 first class seats" width="365" height="240

A Eurostar e320 at St Pancras. 
More about Eurostar.

1st class:  Standard
Premier or Business Premier.

2. Paris to Munich by
TGV Duplex…

See video guide

In Paris it's an easy
10 minute walk from the
Gare du Nord to
the Gare de l'Est for the
TGV to Germany.  Sit back with a glass
of red and enjoy the ride – book an upper deck seat for the best views. 
The train is equipped with power sockets for laptops & mobiles at all seats in
both classes, and a cafe-bar serves drinks, snacks & microwaved hot dishes. 
The train
soon leaves the Paris suburbs behind and speeds across a vast wide open plateau
of woods & farmland at up to 320 km/h (199 mph), past picturesque French villages of the Champagne region. 
An hour or two later, the train leaves the high-speed line and slowly meanders
through pretty wooded hills, the countryside eventually flattening out towards
Strasbourg.  On leaving Strasbourg, look out for Strasbourg cathedral on
the left with its famously missing second tower.  Minutes afterwards you
rumble across the river Rhine into Germany, before heading on to Stuttgart &
Munich. Paris Gare de l'Est
station guide
Munich Hbf station

TGV Duplex at Paris Gare de l'Est" width="774" height="230

TGV Duplex at Paris Est.
These impressive 320 km/h double-deck trains link Paris with Nice, Marseille,
Frankfurt, Munich,
Barcelona & Switzerland…

TGV Duplex cafe-bar

TGV Duplex upper deck 2nd class seats

Cafe-bar on
upper deck in car 4, serving tea, coffee, soft drinks, wine,
beer, snacks & microwaved hot dishes….

2nd class seats on the upper deck.  There's a mix or tables for 4 and
unidirectional seating.

360º photo..

First class on board a TGV Duplex" width="302" height="200
An TGV Duplex at Paris Est." width="455" height="200

upper deck, a club duo on the left, a club quatre on the right.

360º photo.

A TGV Duplex. le
red near the door indicates 1st class, pale green
indicates 2nd class.

Retour au sommet

Option 3:  London to Salzburg by
Nightjet sleeper

This is the most time-effective option.  Leave London in the afternoon,
arrive Salzburg next morning.  And what's not to like about a
Nightjet sleeper
ride across Europe, with breakfast served in your compartment next morning?

London ► Salzburg

London ► Salzburg

  • Travel from
    Salzburg to Wels by railjet train,
    leaving Salzburg at 20:12 arriving Wels at 21:14.  Personally, I'd take
    an earlier train and have dinner in Wels.

  • On Tuesdays,
    Thursdays & Sundays the
    Nightjet sleeper
    leaves Wels at 21:50 arriving Brussels 09:55.  Change in Brussels for Eurostar to London, arriving 11:57
    (12:57 on Sundays),

    as shown in the London-Vienna section above

  • On other days of the
    week, the Nightjet sleeper
    leaves Wels at 21:50 arriving Cologne 06:51, change in Cologne for the 07:42 Brussels, change
    in Brussels for London, arriving 11:57 (12:57 on Sundays),

    as shown in the London-Vienna section above

Alternative using
Nightjet sleeper from Amsterdam…

Fares & how to buy

What's the journey

See the London-Vienna section above

Retour au sommet

Option 4:  London to Salzburg with
overnight stop in Zurich. The scenic

You can reach Salzburg in one day from London using options 1 & 2 above, but it means an early start and
late arrival, and it's a long day.  A more leisurely
and scenic way is to break your journey in Switzerland, taking
an afternoon Eurostar & evening high-speed TGV-Lyria from London to
Zurich, stopping overnight, then
taking a
relaxing low-speed Railjet train snaking through the fabulously scenic Arlberg Pass
into Austria.  The world-class scenery through the Alps makes it
a worthwhile experience, see for yourself,
watch the video

see the Arlberg Railway page
. By all means go out one way and back another.

London ► Salzburg

  • Stay
    overnight in Zurich
    . For something
    special, look no further than the superb
    Hotel Schweizerhof, right next to Zurich
    station.  One of my favourite hotels, they'll even
    send a uniformed commissionaire to meet you at the
    station and carry your bags across the road.  For something cheaper but
    also near the station and with great reviews, try the
    Hotel du Théatre or
    Hotel St Gotthard.  If you're on a budget you can book budget private
    rooms in a one-star hotel or backpacker hostel near the station using

  • Day 2:  Next morning, travel from Zurich
    to Salzburg via the fabulous Arlberg
    Pass through the Alps and into the Austrian Tirol, using any train you like. Pour
    example an air-conditioned
    railjet train
    leaves Zurich HB at 06:40 and arrives in Salzburg at 12:03. Une autre
    railjet train leaves
    Zurich HB at 10:40
    and arrives in Salzburg at

    C'est un
    lovely scenic

    see the Arlberg Railway page
    watch the video.  The train runs along the Zürichsee and Walensee
    lakes, then hugs the mountainside and snakes through a huge valley, past scenery
    taken straight from the Sound of Music. For the best views, find an
    unreserved seat on the left hand side of the train leaving Zurich, that way
    you'll be on the lake side of the train, the train changes direction at Buchs,
    then you'll be on the right-hand (valley) side of the train through most of the
    Arlberg Pass.  There are power sockets at all seats & free WiFi.  A restaurant car is available for breakfast & lunch, in
    first and business class food orders are taken by the stewardess & served at
    your seat, so treat yourself as the scenery passes by!

Salzburg ► London

  • Day 1:  Travel from
    Salzburg to Zurich through
    the Alps via the Arlberg Pass, an extremely scenic route,

    see the Arlberg Railway page

    watch the video
    . There are several
    trains to choose from, for example a
    railjet train leaves Salzburg 11:56 arriving
    Zurich HB at 17:20.  
    Une autre
    railjet train leaves Salzburg at 15:56 arriving
    Zurich HB at
    21:20.  And yet another

    Railjet train
    leaves Salzburg at 17:56, arriving
    Zurich HB at
    23:20.  On the Railjet, a restaurant car
    is available for lunch (or food orders taken & served at
    your seat in first & business classes), so treat
    yourself!  There are power sockets at all seats & free WiFi.

  • Stay overnight in Zurich. For something
    special, look no further than the superb
    Hotel Schweizerhof, right next to Zurich
    station.  One of my favourite hotels, they'll even
    send a uniformed commissionaire to meet you at the
    station and carry your bags across the road.  For something cheaper but
    still near the station, try the

    Hotel du Théatre
    ou alors

    Hotel St Gotthard
    . If you're on a budget you can book budget private
    rooms in a one-star hotel or backpacker hostel near the station using

  • Day 2:  Travel from Zurich to London
    using any of the services suggested on the London to Switzerland
    . For example, leave
    Zurich HB by
    at 07:34
    arriving Paris Gare de Lyon at 11:38.
    Cross Paris by
    metro or taxi
    Gare du Nord. 
    The 13:13
    Eurostar from Paris
    Gare du Nord
    will get you back at
    London St Pancras
    at 14:39.

    By all means have a leisurely breakfast and take a later service back to
    Blighty, for example the 09:34 TGV-Lyria
    to Paris Gare de Lyon arriving 13:37, connecting with the 15:13 Eurostar from
    Gare du Nord
    London St Pancras at 16:39.

How much does it cost?

  • London to Paris by Eurostar starts at €52 one-way or
    €78 return in standard class, €115 one-way, €199 return standard premier (1st

  • Paris to Zurich starts at €29 each way in 2nd class or
    €79 in 1st class. Pour
    more details see the London to Switzerland page

  • Zurich to Salzburg starts at €29 each
    way in 2nd class or €39 each way in 1st class.

  • All these fares work like air fares,
    cheaper in advance and on less popular days or dates, more expensive closer to
    departure date or on popular days or dates.  So book as far ahead as you

How to buy tickets…

  • Step 1, buy tickets from London to Paris & Paris to Zurich at
    recommend reading these booking tips first

    Booking at
    you to book all your tickets in one place, in plain English, in €, € or $. There's a small booking fee. 
    About Rail Europe. 
    You can either book each sector separately, add to basket and pay at the end, or
    you can book from London to Zurich in one go.

    Make sure you allow at least 60 minutes between trains
    southbound, 90 minutes northbound (to allow for the
    30 minute Eurostar check-in).

    Booking usually opens 120 days ahead, and you can print your own tickets or show
    them on your smartphone. .

    If you're booking less than 3 months ahead you can buy tickets to Zurich starting at any station in Britain, not
    just London.

  • Step 2, now buy tickets from Zurich to Salzburg at  A reserved seat is not
    essential, it's optional for an extra €3 or so but a good idea.  You print
    your own ticket.

  • Alternatively, more
    work, a little more fiddly, same prices, but with no booking fee, you can (1) book the Eurostar
    à, then (2) book
    the Paris-Zurich TGV-Lyria at the French Railways website,
    then (3) book Zurich to Austria at the Austrian Railways website 
    You print your own tickets or can show them on your smartphone.

How to buy tickets by phone…

  • To buy tickets by phone, call International Rail on 0844 248 248
    3, lines open 09:00-17:00 Monday-Friday.  Overseas callers call +44 844
    2482483.  Remember to book early for the cheapest prices, ideally 2-3
    months ahead, as just like air fares prices increase closer to departure.  International Rail are equipped with both the French and German
    rail ticketing systems, so can offer the best prices all the trains between
    London and Austria.  They charge a €10 booking fee for bookings under €100,
    €20 for €100-€300, €30 above €300.  In many cases tickets can be emailed to
    you as e-tickets, so there's no postage fee or delay.

  • Alternatively, call
    Bahn's UK phone line on 00 49 (0)30 311 68 29 04 (lines open 09:00-20:00
    Monday-Friday, 09:00-13:00 Saturday & Sunday, no booking fee, 2% credit card

Holidays & tours to Austria by train…

  • Escorted tours:  If you'd like to travel with a convivial group of
    travellers escorted by a professional tour guide, the operators to check are
    Great Rail Journeys (, in the UK call 01904 527 120)
    et Rail Discoveries,,
    01904 730 727.  Both have various escorted tours from the UK to Austria by
    train, with departures on a variety of dates.

1. London to Paris by Eurostar…

Eurostar trains link London & Paris in 2h20, travelling at up to 300 km/h (186
mph).  There are two bar cars, power sockets at all seats and free WiFi. 
Standard Premier and Business Premier fares include a light meal with wine (or
breakfast, on departures before 11:00).  There's a 30-minute minimum
check-in (10-minutes for business premier) as all border formalities are carried
out before you board the train.
More information about Eurostar including check-in procedure
St Pancras station
Paris Gare du Nord
station guide

2. Paris
to Zurich by TGV-Lyria:
More information about TGV-Lyria.

All TGV-Lyria trains are now 320km/h (199 mph) double-deck TGV
Duplex like the one shown below.  TGV-Lyria trains have 3 classes:  Standard
class (2nd), standard premiere (1st class) and business premiere (1st class with
hot meal & drinks included in the fare).  There's a cafe-bar car selling drinks &
There are power points for
mobiles & laptops at all seats in all classes.  Lyria is a
consortium of the French and Swiss national railways. 
More information about TGV-Lyria.
Paris Gare de Lyon
station guide
. Zurich
HB station guide

TGV-Lyria to Geneva at Paris Gare de Lyon" width="774" height="240

TGV-Lyria euroduplex train at Paris Gare de Lyon.
These 320 km/h double-deck trains now operate all TGV-Lyria services.

TGV Duplex cafe-bar

TGV Duplex upper deck 2nd class seats

The cafe-bar on
the upper deck in car 4, serving tea, coffee, soft drinks, wine, beer,
snacks & microwave-style hot dishes…

2nd class seats,
this is upper deck seating.  There's a mix or tables for 4 and
unidirectional seating.

360º photo.

First class on board a TGV Duplex" width="302" height="200
A TGV-Lyria Duplex at Paris Gare de Lyon" width="457" height="200

on the upper deck, with a club duo on the left, a club quatre on the right.

360º photo.

A TGV-Lyria for Geneva, boarding at Paris Gare de Lyon.  You enter
on the lower deck, with 9 stairs up to top deck.

3. Zurich to
by Railjet…

Railjets are ÖBB's
(Austrian Railways) premier trains, with economy & 1st class, plus a premium 1st
class called business class.  There's a restaurant car, power sockets at
all seats & free WiFi.  In 1st & business class, restaurant car orders are
taken and served at your seat.  This journey takes you along the Swiss
lakes Zürichsee & Walensee, past Sargans castle, then into Austria through the
beautiful Arlberg Pass.

More photos, information & tips about railjet trains & the scenic Arlberg Railway
Zurich HB station guide.

A railjet train about to leave Zurich Hbf for Innsbruck, Salzburg & Vienna" width="774" height="240

A railjet to Innsbruck, Salzburg
& Vienna about to leave
Zurich HB

Railjet train at Vienna Hbf
Railjet train standard class

A railjet arrived at the
impressive modern Vienna
Hbf spot on time.
More photos & information about Railjet

Railjet economy class, in open saloons with large
windows.  Some seats around tables,
most unidirectional.

Railjet 1st class

Premium class seats on the Munich-Vienna RailJet train" width="177" height="220

Railjet restaurant car" width="215" height="220

Railjet first
, with black leather seats…

Business class

The restaurant…

through the Arlberg
Pass into Austria

The lakes between Zurich and the Austrian border

Soon after leaving
Zurich, the Railjet is running alongside the
Zürichsee, then along the Walensee…

Train into Austria: Mountain scenery" width="335" height="220 Mountain scenery near Buchs" width="422" height="220

Watch out for hilltop castles – this is Sargans castle, seen from the train…

The train cuts across
Liechtenstein, passing non-stop through Schaan-Vaduz station…

Arlberg scenery

The mountains keep on coming…

Train into Austria, more scenery" width="380" height="220 Snowy peaks!" width="375" height="220

Mountain scenery and
snowy peaks all the way, as the air-conditioned
Railjet crosses into Austria…

Taking the train through the Arlberg pass..." width="450" height="220 Lunch is served at your seat in first & business classes

In the Arlberg pass itself, the
railway hugs the valley side, past fir forests and

first & business class, orders are taken & served at your

View of Salzburg as the train crosses the River Salzach

The view of the Fortress
Hohensalzburg as the Railjet crosses the River Salzach & approaches Salzburg

Watch the Video: By Railjet through the Arlberg Pass…

Retour au sommet

Which route to choose?

  • Option 1, London to Innsbruck via Paris, Zurich & the Arlberg Pass
    the scenic option!
    This is the
    fastest and most direct route, with an added bonus:  The
    Zurich-Innsbruck route is a real scenic treat, taking you through the
    wonderful Arlberg Pass.  Thanks to high-speed trains you can do the
    whole trip in a single day, or break it up with overnight stops in Paris or

  • Option 2,
    London to Innsbruck via the Cologne-Innsbruck Nightjet sleeper
    The most time-effective option!  Take a lunchtime Eurostar from
    London to Brussels, a connecting Thalys high-speed train to Cologne, have
    dinner, then take the Nightjet sleeper train to Innsbruck arriving next morning.  It may save a
    hotel bill, too.

  • Option 3,
    London to Innsbruck via the Amsterdam-Innsbruck Nightjet sleeper
    Take a late-morning Eurostar from London to Amsterdam in 3h55, spend a few hours in
    the Dutch capital, then take the excellent Nightjet sleeper train to Innsbruck,
    arriving after breakfast next morning.  A few hours slower than option 2 as
    you have to leave London earlier, but this route only involves 1 change of train
    not 2, and it's usually cheaper, too.

  • Option 4, London to Innsbruck via
    :  This is slower and much less scenic than option 1, but
    it's possible that fares may work out cheaper this way on your particular
    date, and can be a useful alternative if the route via Paris and Zurich is
    affected by engineering work, for example.

  • Option 5: By ferry from Harwich:
    Travel from London or Cambridge to Amsterdam on the overnight Rail & Sail
    service, sleeping in a cosy private cabin with en suite toilet, shower &
    satellite TV on the Harwich-Hoek van Holland Stena Line ferry, all for one
    inclusive price.  Next day, take daytime trains or the Nightjet sleeper
    train from Amsterdam to Innsbruck.  This route is useful if you need to go at short notice
    when all the cheap Eurostar tickets have sold out, if you live in East Anglia
    and want to by-pass London, or if you have an aversion to the Tunnel.

  • Option 6: By
    ferry from Newcastle or Hull
    :  Sail overnight from Newcastle or Hull to
    Holland, spend the day in Amsterdam, then take a Nightjet sleeper train to
    Vienna or Innsbruck.

  • You can go out one way and
    back another if you like, as each train is ticketed separately with one-way
    fares, except for Eurostar which is cheaper booked as a round trip to Paris or a
    round trip to Brussels because a return fare is less than two one-ways.  From other UK town & cities, travel up
    to London to connect with Eurostar,
    see this advice, or use the
    overnight ferry from Hull
    or Newcastle

Option 1,
London to Innsbruck via the scenic
Arlberg Pass…

This is the fastest &
most direct route, you take a
from London to Paris in just 2h20, a 320 km/h TGV-Lyria
from Paris to Zurich in 4h05 and an Austrian
railjet train from Zurich to Innsbruck
in 3h31.  City centre to city centre through the countryside, no airports,
no flights.

highlight of the journey is the amazingly scenic run through the Arlberg Pass
between Zurich and Innsbruck,

see the Arlberg Railway page
watch the video. 
After leaving Zurich the train runs along the lovely Zürichsee and Walensee
lakes, then hugs the mountainside and snakes through a huge valley, past scenery
lifted straight from the Sound of Music. For the best views, find an
unreserved seat on the left hand side of the train leaving Zurich, that way
you'll be on the lake side of the train, the train changes direction at Buchs,
then you'll be on the right-hand (valley) side of the train through most of the
Arlberg Pass.  A restaurant car is available for dinner, in first and
business class food orders are taken by the stewardess & served at your seat.

This option is in fact three options, each explained below:  First, thanks
to Europe's 320 km/h (199 mph) high-speed trains, you can now travel from London to
Innsbruck in a single day.  It means an early start from London and a late
night arrival in Innsbruck, in the outward direction it's only possible on
Mondays-Saturdays and of course the scenic part will be in darkness except in
summer, but it's easily done.  Second, you can leave London at lunchtime
and stop overnight in Zurich, arriving in Innsbruck around lunchtime next day. 
Third, you can leave London in the evening with an overnight hotel stop in Paris
and an arrival in Innsbruck late afternoon or early evening next day. 
Stopping overnight breaks up the journey and allows a later departure from
London if you're starting from outside London.  It also means that the
scenic Zurich-Innsbruck section will be done in daylight.

London ► Innsbruck in a single day

  • Step 2, travel from
    Paris to Zurich by TGV-Lyria high-speed
    , leaving
    Paris Gare de Lyon
    at 12:22 and arriving
    Zurich HB at 16:26.

    This double-deck high-speed train travels at up to 320 km/h (199 mph), it has a cafe-bar,
    power sockets at all seats & free WiFi.  Book an upper deck seat for the
    best views.  In Zurich, you can have a late lunch or
    early dinner, I recommend the steak frites and a beer at the
    Brasserie Federal
    inside Zurich HB

  • Step 3, travel from Zurich
    to Innsbruck air-conditioned
    railjet train
    via the fabulous Arlberg Pass leaving
    Zurich HB at 18:40, arriving Feldkirch 20:09,
    St Anton 21:05, Landeck 21:29 &
    Innsbruck Hbf at 22:18.

    In summer when it's
    still light this is an amazingly scenic
    see the Arlberg Railway page &
    watch the video. Dans
    winter it'll be dark, so it's worth considering an overnight stop in Paris or
    Zurich as explained below. 
    Railjet trains have free WiFi, power sockets at all
    seats and a restaurant car, although in 1st & business class
    food orders are taken & served at your seat.

London ► Innsbruck with overnight stop in Zurich

  • Stay
    overnight in Zurich
    . For something
    special, look no further than the superb
    Hotel Schweizerhof, right next to Zurich
    station.  One of my favourite hotels, they'll even
    send a uniformed commissionaire to meet you at the
    station and carry your bags across the road.  For something cheaper but
    also near the station and with great reviews, try the
    Hotel du Théatre or
    Hotel St Gotthard.  If you're on a budget you can book budget private
    rooms in a one-star hotel or backpacker hostel near the station using

  • Day 2, travel from
    Zurich to Innsbruck by swish modern
    railjet train via the
    fabulous Arlberg Pass using any departure you like.

    The earliest train leaves Zurich HB at 06:40 daily, arriving Feldkirch 08:09, St
    Anton 09:01, Landeck 09:25 &
    Innsbruck Hbf at 10:11, but by all means have a
    leisurely breakfast and take the later 08:40 EuroCity train or 10:40
    railjet departures from Zurich.

    This is an amazingly scenic

    see the Arlberg Railway page
    watch the video.

    Railjet trains
    have free WiFi, power sockets at all
    seats and a bistro-restaurant car although in 1st & business class
    food orders are taken & served at your seat.

    The Railjet trains continue beyond Innsbruck to Wörgl, change there for
    Kitzbühel. or
    will give you Zurich-Kitzbühel times.

London ► Innsbruck with overnight stop in Paris

  • Day 1, travel from London
    to Paris by any evening
    Eurostar you like. 
    The last one usually leaves
    London St Pancras at
    20.01, arriving Paris Gare du Nord at 23:17. 
    Cross Paris by metro or taxi to the Gare de Lyon.

  • Stay overnight in
    . Voir
    hotels near the Gare de Lyon with good reviews

  • Day 2 morning, travel from
    Paris to Zurich by TGV-Lyria high-speed
    . You can leave
    Paris Gare de Lyon
    at 07:22 on Mondays-Saturdays arriving
    Zurich HB at 11:26 or you can leave
    Paris Gare de Lyon
    at 10:22 any day of the week arriving
    Zurich HB at 14:26.

  • Day 2 afternoon, travel from Zurich
    to Innsbruck air-conditioned
    railjet train via the
    fabulous Arlberg Pass.

    If you left Paris at 07:22 you'd make the 12:40 from
    Zurich HB, arriving Feldkirch
    14:09, St Anton 15:01, Landeck 15:25 &
    Innsbruck Hbf 16:11.

    If you left Paris at 10:22 you'd make the 16:40 from
    Zurich HB, arriving Feldkirch 18:15, St
    Anton 19:01, Landeck 19:25 &
    Innsbruck Hbf 20:14.

    This is an amazingly scenic

    see the Arlberg Railway page
    watch the video.

    Railjet trains
    have free WiFi, power sockets at all
    seats and a bistro-restaurant car, although in 1st & business class
    food orders are taken & served at your seat.

    All these Railjet trains continue beyond Innsbruck to Wörgl, change there for
    Kitzbühel. or
    will give you Zurich-Kitzbühel times.

Innsbruck ► London in a single day, early departure

Innsbruck ► London in a single day, later departure

  • Step 1:  Travel from Innsbruck to Zurich
    railjet train through the Arlberg Pass, leaving
    Innsbruck Hbf at 09:48, Landeck 10:33, St Anton 10:57 or Feldkirch 11:48 and
    arriving Zurich HB at 13:20.

    This is an extremely scenic route,

    see the Arlberg Railway page
    watch the video.

    Railjet trains
    have free WiFi, power sockets at all seats and a restaurant
    car although in 1st & business class food orders are taken & served at your
    seat.  Have lunch in Zurich, I recommend a beer & steak frites at the
    Brasserie Federal inside Zurich HB.

    From Kitzbühel, you leave Kitzbühel at 08:00 and change onto the Railjet
    to Zurich at Wörgl.

Innsbruck ► London with overnight stop in Zurich

  • Day 1:  Travel from
    Innsbruck to Zurich by
    railjet train through
    the Arlberg Pass, a lovely scenic route,

    see the Arlberg Railway page
    & watch the
    Arlberg Pass video

    There are several
    trains to choose from, for example a
    railjet train leaves
    Innsbruck Hbf at 13:48, St Anton

    14:57, Feldkirch 15:48, arriving
    Zurich HB at 17:20.  
    Alternatively, another
    railjet train leaves Innsbruck at 17:48, St
    Anton at 18:57, Feldkirch at 19:48, arriving
    Zurich HB at
    21:20.  Or yet another
    railjet train leaves Innsbruck at
    19:48, St Anton at 20:57, Feldkirch at 21:48, arriving
    Zurich HB at 23:20.

    From Kitzbühel
    you'd take a train from Kitzbühel to Wörgl and change onto a Railjet to Zurich, or will give you Kitzbühel-Zurich
    times.  It's possible to leave Kitzbühel as late as 18:00 if you don't mind
    arriving in Zurich just after midnight, but by all means take an earlier train.

    Railjet trains have free WiFi, power sockets at all
    seats, a bistro-restaurant car is available although in 1st & business class
    food orders are taken & served at your seat.

How much does it

  • London to Paris by Eurostar starts at €52 one-way or
    €78 return in standard class, €115 one-way, €199 return standard premier (1st

  • Paris to Zurich starts at €29 each way
    in 2nd class or €79 in 1st class. Pour
    more details see the London to Switzerland page

  • Zurich to Innsbruck starts at €19 each
    way in 2nd class or €29 each way in 1st class.

  • All these fares work like air fares,
    cheaper in advance and on less busy days or dates, more expensive closer to
    departure date or on popular days or dates.  So book as far ahead as you

How to buy tickets…

  • Step 1, buy tickets from London to Paris & Paris to Zurich at
    recommend reading these booking tips first

    you can
    book all your tickets in one place, in plain English, in €, € or $. There's a small booking fee. 
    About Rail Europe. 
    You can either book each sector separately, add to basket and pay at the end, or
    you can book from London to Zurich all in one go.

    Make sure you allow at least 60 minutes between trains
    southbound, 90 minutes northbound (to allow for the
    30 minute Eurostar check-in).

    Booking usually opens 120 days ahead, and you can print your own tickets or show
    them on your smartphone. .

    If you're booking less than 3 months ahead you can buy tickets to Zurich starting at any station in Britain, not
    just London.

  • Step 2, now buy tickets from Zurich to Innsbruck at  A reserved seat is not
    essential, it's optional for an extra €3 or so but a good idea.  You print
    your own ticket.

  • Alternatively, more
    work, a little more fiddly, same prices, but with no booking fee, you can (1) book the Eurostar
    à, then (2) book
    the Paris-Zurich TGV-Lyria at the French Railways website,
    then (3) book Zurich to Austria at the Austrian Railways website 
    You print your own tickets or can show them on your smartphone.

How to buy tickets by phone…

  • To buy tickets by phone, call International Rail on 0844 248 248
    3, lines open 09:00-17:00 Monday-Friday.  Overseas callers call +44 844
    2482483.  Remember to book early for the cheapest prices, ideally 2-3
    months ahead, as just like air fares prices increase closer to departure.  International Rail are equipped with both the French and German
    rail ticketing systems, so can offer the best prices all the trains between
    London and Austria.  They charge a €10 booking fee for bookings under €100,
    €20 for €100-€300, €30 above €300.  In many cases tickets can be emailed to
    you as e-tickets, so there's no postage fee or delay.

  • Alternatively, call
    Bahn's UK phone line on 00 49 (0)30 311 68 29 04 (lines open 09:00-20:00
    Monday-Friday, 09:00-13:00 Saturday & Sunday, no booking fee, 2% credit card

1. London to Paris by Eurostar…

Eurostar trains link London & Paris in 2h20, travelling at up to 300 km/h (186
mph).  There are two bar cars, power sockets at all seats and free WiFi. 
Standard Premier and Business Premier fares include a light meal with wine (or
breakfast, on departures before 11:00).  There's a 30-minute minimum
check-in (10-minutes for business premier) as all border formalities are carried
out before you board the train.
More information about Eurostar including check-in procedure
St Pancras station
Paris Gare du Nord
station guide

2. Paris
to Zurich by TGV-Lyria:
More information about TGV-Lyria.

All TGV-Lyria trains are now 320km/h (199 mph) double-deck TGV
Duplex like the one shown below.  TGV-Lyria trains have 3 classes:  Standard
class (2nd), standard premiere (1st class) and business premiere (1st class with
hot meal & drinks included in the fare).  There's a cafe-bar car selling drinks &
There are power points for
mobiles & laptops at all seats in all classes.  Lyria is a
consortium of the French and Swiss national railways. 
More information about TGV-Lyria.
Paris Gare de Lyon
station guide
. Zurich
HB station guide

TGV Duplex cafe-bar

TGV Duplex upper deck 2nd class seats

The cafe-bar on
the upper deck in car 4, serving tea, coffee, soft drinks, wine, beer,
snacks & microwave-style hot dishes…

2nd class seats,
this is upper deck seating.  There's a mix or tables for 4 and
unidirectional seating.

360º photo.

First class on board a TGV Duplex" width="302" height="200
A TGV-Lyria Duplex at Paris Gare de Lyon" width="457" height="200

on the upper deck, with a club duo on the left, a club quatre on the right.

360º photo.

A TGV-Lyria for Geneva, boarding at Paris Gare de Lyon.  You enter
on the lower deck, with 9 stairs up to top deck.

3. Zurich to
by Railjet…

Railjets are ÖBB's
(Austrian Railways) premier trains, with economy & 1st class, plus a premium 1st
class called business class.  There's a restaurant car, power sockets at
all seats & free WiFi.  In 1st & business class, restaurant orders are
taken and served at your seat.  This journey takes you along the Swiss
lakes Zürichsee & Walensee, past Sargans castle, then into Austria through the
beautiful Arlberg Pass.

More photos, information & tips about railjet trains & the scenic Arlberg Railway
Zurich HB station guide.

Railjet train at Vienna Hbf
Railjet train standard class

A railjet arrived at the
impressive modern Vienna
Hbf spot on time.

More photos & information about railjet

Economy class on
railjet, in open saloons with large
windows.  Some seats around tables,
most unidirectional.

Railjet 1st class

Premium class seats on the Munich-Vienna RailJet train" width="177" height="220

Railjet restaurant car" width="215" height="220

Railjet first
, with black leather seats…

Business class

The restaurant…

through the Arlberg

The lakes between Zurich and the Austrian border

Soon after leaving
Zurich, the Railjet is running alongside the
Zürichsee, then along the Walensee…

Train into Austria: Mountain scenery" width="335" height="220 Mountain scenery near Buchs" width="422" height="220

Watch out for hilltop castles – this is Sargans castle, seen from the train…

The train cuts across
Liechtenstein, passing non-stop through Schaan-Vaduz station…

Arlberg scenery

The mountains keep on coming…

Train into Austria, more scenery" width="380" height="220 Snowy peaks!" width="375" height="220

Mountain scenery and
snowy peaks all the way, as the air-conditioned
Railjet crosses into Austria…

Taking the train through the Arlberg pass..." width="450" height="220 Lunch is served at your seat in first & business classes

In the Arlberg pass itself, the
railway hugs the valley side, past fir forests and

first & business class, orders are taken & served at your

Watch the Video: By Railjet through the Arlberg Pass…

Retour au sommet

Option 2, London
to Innsbruck
by Nightjet sleeper train…

Take a lunchtime Eurostar to Brussels, a Thalys high-speed train to Cologne,
then the time-effective Austrian
Nightjet sleeper
from Cologne to Innsbruck overnight.  This is a comfortable &
time-effective option.

Tip: Before booking this option, consider

option 3 via Amsterdam
– although you leave London a few hours earlier, it's
usually cheaper, it only involves 1 change of train not 2, and you get to spend
some time in the Dutch capital.

London ► Innsbruck

  • Step 1, travel
    from London to Brussels by
    leaving London St Pancras
    at 12:58 and arriving Brussels Midi
    at 16:08.

  • Step 2, travel from Brussels to Cologne by high-speed
    train, leaving
    Brussels Midi at 17:25, arriving
    Cologne Hbf at 19:15.

  • Step 3, travel from Cologne to Innsbruck by
    Nightjet sleeper train,
    leaving Cologne Hbf at
    22:16, arriving Innsbruck
    at 09:14.

    This comfortable Austrian
    has an
    air-conditioned Comfortline sleeping-car with nine 1, 2 & 3-berth
    standard compartments with washbasin and three 1, 2 or 3-berth deluxe
    compartments with shower & toilet. There's a shower at the end of the
    corridor for passengers in the regular sleepers.  The train has several couchette cars
    with 4 & 6 berth compartments, and ordinary seats.
    See the Nightjet
    page for a guide to on-board accommodation, travel tips, photos &

    There's no restaurant car, but in sleepers or couchettes you can order drinks,
    snacks and hot dishes from a room service menu, served in your compartment. 
    The sleeper & couchette fares include a light breakfast with tea or coffee,
    served in your compartment.

    The train travels
    along the famous Rhine Valley between Koblenz (23:46) and Mainz (00:39), so if you're
    awake and your compartment happens to be on the left-hand side of the train,
    switch off the lights and watch the Rhine pass by, mountains, vineyards, castles
    & the legendary Lorelei Rock lit by moonlight.  Wonderful!

    Dinner in Cologne
    before boarding the sleeper?

    For a traditional German meal in Cologne, try the excellent Brauhaus Sion (,
    5 minutes walk from Cologne
    , or the
    Malzmuehle restaurant (,
    10-15 minutes walk from Cologne Hbf, or
    there's a restaurant in the Hauptbahnhof
    itself at the Schweinske,

  • For Kitzbühel,
    change at Wörgl.  The sleeper arrives at Wörgl at 08:36, a connecting train
    leaves at 09:00 arriving Kitzbühel at 09:29.

Innsbruck ► London

  • Step 1, travel from
    Innsbruck to Cologne by Nightjet sleeper train,
    leaving Innsbruck Hbf 20:44
    & arriving Cologne Hbf
    06:51 next morning.

    This comfortable Austrian
    has an
    air-conditioned Comfortline sleeping-car with nine 1, 2 & 3-berth
    standard compartments with washbasin and three 1, 2 or 3-berth deluxe
    compartments with shower & toilet. There's a shower at the end of the
    corridor for passengers in the regular sleepers.  The train has several couchette cars
    with 4 & 6 berth compartments, and ordinary seats.
    See the Nightjet
    page for a guide to on-board accommodation, travel tips, photos &

    There's no restaurant car, but in sleepers or couchettes you can order drinks,
    snacks and hot dishes from a room service menu, served in your compartment. 
    The sleeper & couchette fares include a light breakfast with tea or coffee,
    served in your compartment.

    Tip:  If you have a ticket
    for a sleeper, you can use the
    ÖBB first class

    at Innsbruck Hbf with
    complimentary snacks & wine.

    Tip:  For
    dinner before boarding the sleeper, I recommend the excellent Tyrolean food at
    the Restaurant Europastüberl, part of the Grand Hotel Europa just across the
    road from the station and to the right.

    If you're
    starting in Kitzbühel
    , take the 20:00 from Kitzbühel arriving Wörgl at
    20:40.  This gives a safe connection into the sleeper to Cologne, which
    leaves Wörgl at 21:23.

  • London to Brussels by Eurostar starts at €52
    one-way or €78 return in standard class, €115 one-way, €199 return standard
    premier (1st class).

  • Brussels to Cologne starts at
    €19 each way by Thalys or €19.90 by

  • Brussels or Cologne to
    by Nightjet starts at €49.90 in 6-berth couchettes, €59.90 in 4-berth couchettes,
    €89.90 in a 3-bed sleeper, €109.90 in a
    2-bed sleeper or €159.90 in a single-bed sleeper.  All fares per person per

  • Fares vary like
    air fares, book early for the cheapest prices.

  • Step 1, book the
    nightjet sleeper train from Cologne to Innsbruck at either
    (easy to use, in €, € or $, in plain English, overseas credit cards no problem, small
    booking fee) or the Austrian Railways website (a little more
    fiddly, in €, has been known to reject some international cards, no booking

    Booking opens up to 6 months ahead, but less than this when the
    mid-June or
    mid-December timetable changes intervene
    You print your
    own tickets or can show them on your smartphone.

  • Step 2, add a
    London-Cologne ticket at
    using the train times on this page as a guide.  Booking opens up to 4
    months ahead for journeys involving Thalys,
    up to 6 months ahead for journeys involving ICE.  You print your own
    tickets or can show them on your smartphone.

How to buy tickets by phone…

  • It's better to book online. 
    But to buy tickets by phone, call International Rail on 0844 248 248
    3, lines open 09:00-17:00 Monday-Friday.  Overseas callers call +44 844
    2482483.  Remember to book early for the cheapest prices, ideally 2-3
    months ahead, as just like air fares prices increase closer to departure.  International Rail are equipped with both the French and German
    rail ticketing systems, so can offer the best prices all the trains between
    London and Austria.  They charge a €10 booking fee for bookings under €100,
    €20 for €100-€300, €30 above €300.  In many cases tickets can be emailed to
    you as e-tickets, so there's no postage fee or delay.

  • Alternatively, you can call
    Bahn's UK phone line on 00 49 (0)30 311 68 29 04 (lines open 09:00-20:00
    Monday-Friday, 09:00-13:00 Saturday & Sunday, no booking fee, 2% credit card
    Cliquez sur
    for more information on how to buy European train tickets.

What's the journey like?

1. London to Brussels by Eurostar…

Eurostar trains link London & Brussels in just 2 hours, travelling at up to 300
km/h (186 mph).  There are two bar cars, power sockets at all seats and
free WiFi.  Standard Premier and Business Premier fares include a light
meal with wine (or breakfast, on departures before 11:00). Il y a un
30-minute minimum check-in (10-minutes for business premier) as all border
formalities are carried out before you board the train.
More information about Eurostar
including check-in procedure
St Pancras station

Brussels Midi station guide.

Eurostar e320
Eurostar e320 first class seats" width="365" height="240

A Eurostar e320 train…

Premier/Business Premier.
Larger photo

2. Brussels to Cologne by
Thalys: See the Thalys guide

Thalys trains have 3 classes, Standard (2nd class), Comfort (1st class seating) & Premium
(1st class seating with at-seat food & drink included in the fare). 
There's a cafe-bar selling drinks, snacks & hot dishes.  All seats have power sockets and there's free WiFi.
See the Thalys page for more photos
& information

3. Cologne to Innsbruck by Nightjet:
See the Nightjet guide…

Austrian Railways (ÖBB) Nightjet train has a sleeping-car, couchettes &
seats.  The sleeping-car has 1, 2 & 3 bed compartments with washbasin,
three deluxe compartments with 1, 2 or 3 beds with private shower & toilet. 
The sleeper berths come fully made up with sheets and duvets, all sleeper
passengers get mineral water in the evening and a light breakfast served in
their compartment next morning.  Towels & toiletries are provided,
including shampoo and shower gel in the deluxe sleepers.  In the more
economical couchettes, you can book a couchette in a cheaper 6-berth compartment
or a less-crowded 4-berth compartment, each provided with sheet, blanket, pillow
& small bottle of water, and couchette passengers get a tea or coffee in the
morning.  When waiting for the northbound sleeper train in Vienna, if you
have booked a sleeper you can use the
ÖBB first class lounge with
complimentary drinks.

More pictures & information about Nightjet trains

The Nightjet sleeper at Innsbruck

A Comfortline sleeping-car on the
Nightjet train from Cologne, arrived at Innsbruck…

Nightjet deluxe 2-berth sleeper" class="shadow

Nightjet deluxe sleeper in day mode" class="shadow

Nightjet deluxe sleeper toilet & shower" class="shadow

Nightjet standard (economy) sleeper" class="shadow

Deluxe sleeper. Each compartment can be used as a 1, 2 or 3-bed room.
Larger photo.
Video of deluxe room

The same deluxe sleeper in
evening/morning mode with beds folded away, seats folded out.
Larger photo

Deluxe rooms have a compact shower & toilet, towels & hair/body wash provided.

Larger photo.

Standard sleeper
set up as 2-berth with washstand open. 
It can be used as a 1, 2 or 3 berth.
Larger photo

6-berth couchettes 4-berth couchettes Couchette car on Brussels-Vienna sleeper

6-berth couchettes…

4-berth couchettes…

Couchette car on a Nightjet train…

Retour au sommet

Option 3:
London to Innsbruck via the Amsterdam-Innsbruck
Nightjet sleeper…

This is similar to option 2, but instead of taking a mid-afternoon Eurostar from
London to Brussels, a Thalys high-speed train to Cologne, then picking up the Nightjet sleeper train
to Innsbruck in Cologne, you take a late-morning Eurostar to Amsterdam, spend some time there,
then take the Nightjet sleeper train from Amsterdam to Innsbruck.  OK,
so this is a more round-about route and you have to leave London a couple of hours
earlier – but it
involves only 1 simple same-station change of train instead of 2 changes, you get to spend some time
in the Dutch capital, you can board the sleeper earlier in the evening rather
than late at night, and it's cheaper:  London-Amsterdam
Eurostar fares are similar to (and often less than) London-Brussels fares,
Amsterdam-Innsbruck Nightjet fares are the same as Cologne-Innsbruck fares and
you don't need a Brussels-Cologne Thalys ticket.  What's not to like?

London ► Innsbruck

  • Step 2, travel from Amsterdam to Innsbruck by
    Nightjet sleeper train,
    Amsterdam Centraal
    at 19:30 every day, arriving Innsbruck
    at 09:14.
    See important
    Covid-19 update about this Nightjet service

    This comfortable Austrian
    has an
    air-conditioned Comfortline sleeping-car with nine 1, 2 & 3-berth
    standard compartments with washbasin and three 1, 2 or 3-berth deluxe
    compartments with shower & toilet. There's a shower at the end of the
    corridor for passengers in the regular sleepers.  The train has couchette cars
    with 4 & 6 berth compartments, and ordinary seats cars.
    See the Nightjet
    page for a guide to on-board accommodation, travel tips, photos &

    There's no restaurant car, but in sleepers or couchettes you can order drinks,
    snacks and hot dishes from a room service menu, served in your compartment. 
    The sleeper & couchette fares include a light breakfast with tea or coffee,
    served in your compartment.

    The train travels
    along the famous Rhine Valley between Koblenz (23:46) and Mainz (00:39), so if you're
    still awake and your compartment happens to be on the left-hand side of the train,
    switch off the lights and watch the Rhine pass by, mountains, vineyards, castles
    & the legendary Lorelei Rock lit by moonlight.  Wonderful!

Innsbruck ► London

  • Step 1, travel from
    Innsbruck to Amsterdam by direct
    Nightjet sleeper train,
    leaving Innsbruck
    at 20:44 every day, arriving
    Amsterdam Centraal
    at 09:58 next morning.
    See important
    Covid-19 update about this Nightjet service

    This comfortable Austrian
    has an
    air-conditioned Comfortline sleeping-car with nine 1, 2 & 3-berth
    standard compartments with washbasin and three 1, 2 or 3-berth deluxe
    compartments with shower & toilet. There's a shower at the end of the
    corridor for passengers in the regular sleepers.  The train has couchette cars
    with 4 & 6 berth compartments, and ordinary seats cars.
    See the Nightjet
    page for a guide to on-board accommodation, travel tips, photos &

    There's no restaurant car, but in sleepers or couchettes you can order drinks,
    snacks and hot dishes from a room service menu, served in your compartment. 
    The sleeper & couchette fares include a light breakfast with tea or coffee.

    Tip: If you have a ticket
    for a sleeper, you can use the
    ÖBB first class lounge at
    Vienna Hbf with
    complimentary snacks & wine.

    Tip: Dans
    Amsterdam, I recommend the
    Cafe 1e
    Klas as your VIP waiting room

  • Step 2, travel from
    Amsterdam to London by
    Amsterdam Centraal at
    13:46 arriving
    London St Pancras
    at 17:00.

    Times may vary,
    so check what trains Eurostar is running on your date at 
    Always allow at least 1 hour between trains in Amsterdam, ideally more.

1. London to
Amsterdam by Eurostar

From €40 each way in 2nd class.

2. Nightjet sleeper train from

Amsterdam to Innsbruck

one-way per person per bed…

In a seat

In a couchette

In the sleeping-car







+ shower


+ shower


+ shower

Fares start at…










Fares vary like air fares, book
early for the cheapest prices.

On the sleeper train, berths are
sold individually, so one ticket means one bed, the other beds in your
compartment will be sold to other passengers.  For sole occupancy, simply
book 1 ticket in a 1-berth sleeper or 2 tickets in a 2-berth sleeper or 4
tickets in a 4-berth couchette and so on.

Return fares are twice the
one-way fare.

  • Step 2, now use
    again to book a connecting
    London-Amsterdam Eurostar, add to basket & check out.

    You print your own tickets or can show them on your smartphone.

    Tip: After booking you can use the Manage booking établissement
    at to choose
    an exact seat from a seating plan,

    see tips on choosing a seat on Eurostar

    Tip: If you're travelling from a town or city north of London,
    see advice about buying domestic tickets to London to connect with Eurostar.

  • Alternatively, you
    can book the Nightjet sleeper train at les
    Austrian Railways website
    (a little more fiddly, in €, has been known to reject some international cards,
    but no booking fee) and then the Euro
    star at  This
    means more work on multiple websites, prices should be exactly the same, but no
    booking fee.

How to buy tickets by phone…

  • It's cheaper and in many ways
    easier to buy online, as
    you can see for yourself which departures are cheapest for each stage of the
    journey and you avoid phone booking fees.  Online booking is possible 24/7,
    but most telephone booking agencies only work office hours on weekdays.  However, if you'd rather
    call someone, ici
    is a list if UK ticketing agencies with phone numbers & opening hours
    . For a journey between the UK
    & Austria I'd call Deutsche Bahn's UK phone line, or Ffestiniog Travel,
    International Rail or Trainseurope.

What's the journey like?

1. London to Amsterdam by Eurostar:

Eurostar trains link London & Amsterdam in just 3h55, travelling at up to 300
km/h (186 mph).  There are two bar cars, power sockets at all seats and
free WiFi.  Standard Premier and Business Premier fares include a light
meal with wine (or breakfast, on departures before 11:00). Il y a un
30-minute minimum check-in (10-minutes for business premier) as all border
formalities are carried out before you board the train.
More information about Eurostar
including check-in procedure
St Pancras station
Amsterdam Centraal station guide.

2. Amsterdam to Innsbruck by Nightjet:
See the Nightjet guide…

This is an
Austrian Railways (ÖBB) Nightjet train, with sleeping-car, couchettes &
seats.  The sleeping-car has nine 1, 2 & 3 bed compartments with washbasin, plus
three deluxe compartments with 1, 2 or 3 beds with private shower & toilet. 
The sleeper berths come fully made up with sheets and duvets, all sleeper
passengers get mineral water in the evening and a light breakfast served in
their compartment next morning.  Towels & toiletries are provided,
including shampoo and shower gel in the deluxe sleepers.  In the more
economical couchettes, you can book a couchette in a cheaper 6-berth compartment
or a less-crowded 4-berth compartment, each provided with sheet, blanket, pillow
& small bottle of water, and couchette passengers get a tea or coffee in the
morning.  When waiting for the northbound sleeper train in Vienna, if you
have booked a sleeper you can use the
ÖBB first class lounge with
complimentary drinks. 
More pictures & information about Nightjet trains.

Comfortline sleeping-car at Innsbruck

The new Amsterdam-Innsbruck
Nightjet starts in early 2021.  This is a Comfortline sleeping-car at

Nightjet deluxe 2-berth sleeper" class="shadow

Nightjet deluxe sleeper in day mode" class="shadow

Nightjet deluxe sleeper toilet & shower" class="shadow

Nightjet standard (economy) sleeper" class="shadow

Deluxe sleeper. Each compartment can be used as a 1, 2 or 3-bed room.
Larger photo.
Video of deluxe room

The same deluxe sleeper in
evening/morning mode with beds folded away, seats folded out.
Larger photo

Deluxe rooms have a compact shower & toilet, towels & hair/body wash provided.

Larger photo.

Standard sleeper
set up as 2-berth, washstand open. 
It can be used as a 1, 2 or 3 berth.
Larger photo

6-berth couchettes

4-berth couchette on Nightjet train
Couchette car on Brussels-Vienna sleeper

6-berth couchettes…

4-berth couchettes…

Couchette car on the
Brussels-Vienna Nightjet…

Option 4,
London to Innsbruck via Munich

It's also possible to travel by
Eurostar to Paris and TGV to Munich, or Eurostar to Brussels, ICE to Cologne or
Frankfurt and onwards to Munich.  Stay overnight in Munich and travel to
Innsbruck next morning.

See the London to Germany page
for travel between London & Munich, then

see information on Munich to Innsbruck trains here

Retour au sommet

Option 1, by Nightjet sleeper train via Vienna…

This is the most
time-effective option, and includes a moonlit run down the Rhine Valley in your

London ► Graz

Graz ► London

Fares & how to buy

Option 2, by
daytime trains with overnight stop in Munich…

London ► Graz

  • Day 1, travel from London to
    Munich in a day, either via Brussels or via Paris,
    as shown on the
    London-Germany page
    . You can leave London around 10:24 (09:22 on
    Saturdays) via Paris and
    arrive Munich Hbf around 21:36
    or 20:52 (19:27 or 20:11 on Saturdays depending on the date).

  • Stay overnight in Munich:
    Try the

    Sofitel Munich Beyerpost

    25 Hours Hotel Royal Bavarian

    Hotel Excelsior

    Eden Hotel Wolff

    Drei Loewen
    , ou alors

    InterCity Hotel
    , all right next to the station with great reviews.

  • Day 2, travel from Munich to Graz
    by train, leaving Munich Hbf at 08:17 by
    railjet train
    change at Bischofshofen (arrive 10:52, depart 11:13) and
    arriving Graz 14:14.  Or if you prefer, have a leisurely breakfast in Munich
    then there's a direct EuroCity train leaving
    Munich Hbf at 10:17 and arriving Graz
    at 16:14, with no need to change.

Graz ► London

  • Day 1, leave Graz at 11:45 by
    direct EuroCity train to
    Munich Hbf, arriving 17:41, with a restaurant car for
    lunch.  Have dinner in Munich. 
    Alternatively, you can leave Graz at 13:45, change trains at
    Wörgl (arrive 19:00, depart 19:16), arriving
    Munich Hbf 20:26.

  • Stay overnight in Munich:
    Try the

    Sofitel Munich Beyerpost

    25 Hours Hotel Royal Bavarian

    Hotel Excelsior

    Eden Hotel Wolff

    Drei Loewen
    , ou alors

    InterCity Hotel
    , all right next to the station with great reviews.

  • Day 2, travel back from Munich to
    London in a day by high-speed trains, either via Brussels or via Paris,
    as shown on the
    London-Germany page
    . You can leave
    Munich Hbf at 06:46
    (06:23 on Sundays) via Paris and
    arrive London around 16:39, or have a leisurely breakfast and leave around
    10:54 via Cologne & Brussels arriving in London at 19:57.


How to buy

  • Book the
    London-Munich trains
    as shown on the
    London-Germany page

  • Book the
    Munich-Graz trains at
    the German Railways website
    . You print your own ticket or can show it on your laptop
    or smartphone.  I recommend registering when prompted so you can log in and
    check your bookings or re-print tickets at any time.

How to buy tickets by phone…

  • Call International Rail on 0844 248 248
    3, lines open 09:00-17:00 Monday-Friday.  Overseas callers call +44 844
    2482483.  International Rail are equipped with both the French and German
    rail ticketing systems, so can offer the best prices all the trains between
    London and Austria.  They charge a €10 booking fee for bookings under €100,
    €20 for €100-€300, €30 above €300.  In many cases tickets can be emailed to
    you as e-tickets, so there's no postage fee or delay.

  • Alternatively, call
    Bahn's UK phone line on 00 49 (0)30 311 68 29 04 (lines open 09:00-20:00
    Monday-Friday, 09:00-13:00 Saturday & Sunday, no booking fee, 2% credit card

London ► Hallstatt, Villach, Klagenfurt

  • Travel from London to
    Munich in a day, either via Brussels or via Paris, as shown on the
    London-Germany page
    . You can leave London around 10:24 (09:22 on
    Saturdays) via Paris and arrive Munich around 21:36 (21:52 on some dates, 19:27
    or 20:11 on Saturdays depending on the date.

  • Stay overnight in Munich:  Try the

    Sofitel Munich Beyerpost

    Eden Hotel Wolff

    InterCity Hotel
    or (budget) the

    Pension Locarno
    , all right next to the station with great reviews.

  • Travel from Munich to Villach &
    Klagenfurt on a direct railjet train leaving
    Munich Hbf at 08:17 and arriving
    Villach at 12:43 and Klagenfurt at 13:16.  A restaurant car is available,
    or there's at-seat service in 1st & business class,
    see the Railjet page.

  • For Hallstatt, there are
    regular departures from Munich with easy changes at Salzburg & Attnang-Puchheim,
    for example the 08:17 gets you to Hallstatt Bahnhof at 12:47, just check times at
    . Later trains are also available, of course.
    Hallstatt Bahnhof is across the lake from Hallstatt town.  A ferry connects
    with most train arrivals, sailing from

    Hallstatt Bahnhof to Hallstatt Markt (Marketplace) in the town itself, see pour
    a timetable.  You pay for the ferry separately.

Klagenfurt, Villach, Hallstatt ► London

  • Leave Klagenfurt at 16:42 and
    Villach at 17:16 by direct railjet train to Munich, arriving
    Munich Hbf at 21:42. 
    A restaurant car is available, or there's at-seat service in 1st & business
    class, see the Railjet page.

  • Coming from Hallstatt,

    take the local ferry from Hallstatt Markt (Hallstatt town marketplace) to
    Hallstatt Bahnhof (Hallstatt station, on the other side of the lake), this
    leaves roughly 20 minutes before most train departures, see pour
    a timetable.  You pay for the ferry separately at the quayside before boarding. 
    There are then
    plenty of trains from

    Hallstatt Bahnhof to
    Munich, for example one leaving at 17:07 with easy changes
    at Attnang-Puchheim & Salzburg, reaching
    Munich Hbf at 21:42.  Check times at

  • Stay overnight in
    I suggest the

    Sofitel Munich Beyerpost

    Eden Hotel Wolff

    InterCity Hotel
    or (budget) the

    Pension Locarno
    , all right next to the station with good or great reviews.

  • Next morning, travel back from Munich to London in a day by high-speed trains,
    wither via Brussels or via Paris, as shown on the
    London-Germany page
    . You can leave
    Munich Hbf at
    06:46 (06:22 on some dates, 06:23 on Sundays) via Paris and arrive
    London around 16:39, or have a leisurely breakfast and leave around 10:54
    via Brussels arriving London 19:57.


  • Pour
    London-Paris-Munich fares,
    the London-Germany page

  • Fares from
    Munich to Hallstatt, Villach or Klagenfurt start at just €19 each way if
    you book well in advance.

How to buy
tickets online…

  • Book the
    London-Paris & Paris-Munich trains
    as shown on the
    London-Germany page

  • Book the
    Munich-Hallstatt/Villach/Klagenfurt journey at
    the German Railways website
    . I recommend registering when prompted so you can log in
    and check your bookings or re-print tickets at any time.  You print your
    own ticket or can show it on your laptop or smartphone.

How to buy tickets by phone…

  • To buy tickets by phone, call International Rail on 0844 248 248
    3, lines open 09:00-17:00 Monday-Friday.  Overseas callers call +44 844
    2482483.  International Rail are equipped with both the French and German
    rail ticketing systems, so can offer the best prices all the trains between
    London and Austria.  They charge a €10 booking fee for bookings under €100,
    €20 for €100-€300, €30 above €300.  In many cases tickets can be emailed to
    you as e-tickets, so there's no postage fee or delay.

  • Alternatively, call
    Bahn's UK phone line on 00 49 (0)30 311 68 29 04 (lines open 09:00-20:00
    Monday-Friday, 09:00-13:00 Saturday & Sunday, no booking fee, 2% credit card

Retour au sommet

The ferry alternative…

This is a great option if you
live in East Anglia, if you prefer a ferry to the Channel Tunnel, or if
problems are affecting Eurostar. 
Indeed, if you need to travel at short notice when there are no cheap
Eurostar tickets, the rail & sail option is often
still affordable.  I don't recommend the
route because of poor train/ferry connections, the Stena Line rail & sail service
via Harwich & Hoek van Holland is the one to use as it has co-ordinated
timetables and integrated ticketing,
see the
Stena Line Rail & Sail page

the video
. It's one of the
routes shown in dark blue on the route
map above

London, Cambridge & Harwich ►

  • Day 1:  Travel from London
    to Hoek van Holland on the overnight

    Stena Line Rail & Sail service

    You leave London Liverpool Street station at 19:32
    or Cambridge at 19:47 by train to Harwich International.

    At Harwich, the station is right next to the ferry terminal
    and you walk off the train into the terminal, check in at the Stena Line desk
    and walk straight onto Stena Line's luxurious overnight superferry Stena Hollandica
    to Hoek van Holland.

    The ferry sails at 23:00 and arrives at Hoek van Holland at 08:00 next morning,
    Dutch time.

    All passengers travel
    in cosy private cabins with en suite toilet & shower & satellite TV. 
    Deluxe Comfort class & Captains class cabins are also available, and there's
    free WiFi in the lounges, restaurants & bars on 9 deck.  You can get on
    board the ferry around 9pm, have a late dinner in the restaurant and settle into
    your cabin.

    C'est un
    fully-integrated train & ferry service with special fares from London
    to Any Dutch Station which cover the train to Harwich, the
    ferry and onward train to anywhere in the Netherlands,
    See the
    Stena Line Rail & Sail page for
    full details, photos & travel tips
    . The same special fare from London is valid from any
    Abellio Greater Anglia station,
    for example Norwich, Cambridge, Romford, Ilford, Ipswich.

  • Option 1
    is to take daytime
    trains to Austria.  You can check train times from
    either Utrecht or Amsterdam to Austria using the German Railways website 
    Travelling by daytime trains, you can be in Austria by late evening (Day 2 from
    London), though it will be a long day.

  • Option 2
    is to spend the day in Amsterdam and take the
    Nightjet sleeper train from
    Amsterdam to Austria overnight.  It leaves
    Amsterdam Centraal
    at 19:30 every day (the time can vary), one portion arrives
    Innsbruck Hbf at 09:14, another portion
    arrives Wels 07:14, Linz 07:46 &
    Vienna Hbf
    09:19.  Change in Wels for a
    railjet train to Salzburg, arriving 08:48.
    See important
    Covid-19 update about this Nightjet service

    Both portions of this comfortable Austrian
    have an
    air-conditioned Comfortline sleeping-car with nine 1, 2 & 3-berth
    standard compartments with washbasin and three 1, 2 or 3-berth deluxe
    compartments with shower & toilet. There's a shower at the end of the
    corridor for passengers in the regular sleepers.  The train has several couchette cars
    with 4 & 6 berth compartments, and ordinary seats.
    See the Nightjet
    page for a guide to on-board accommodation, travel tips, photos &

    There's no restaurant car, but in sleepers or couchettes you can order drinks,
    snacks and hot dishes from a room service menu, served in your compartment. 
    The sleeper & couchette fares include a light breakfast with tea or coffee.

Austria ► Harwich,
Cambridge & London

  • Option 1:
    Take daytime trains from Austria to Hoek van Holland. 
    Using this option, you'd leave Austria early in the morning
    on day 1, and arrive London in the morning of day 2. 
    to find suitable daytime trains from Austria to Hoek van Holland Havn,
    arriving no later than 21:00. 
    You'll need to leave Austria fairly early.  At Hoek van
    Holland Haven, the ferry terminal is right next to the station.

  • Option 2:
    Take the Nightjet
    sleeper train
    from Austria to Amsterdam,
    and enjoy a day in the Dutch capital.  Using this option, you
    leave Austria in the evening of day 1, and arrive London in the morning of day

    le Nightjet
    sleeper train
    leaves Vienna Hbf at
    20:13, Linz at 21:36 or Wels at 21:50, with another portion leaving
    Innsbruck Hbf at 20:44, arriving
    Amsterdam Centraal
    at 09:58 next morning.  Coming from Salzburg, you'd take an evening train from Salzburg to
    Wels and
    pick up the sleeper there.
    See important
    Covid-19 update about this Nightjet service

    Both portions of this comfortable Austrian
    have an
    air-conditioned Comfortline sleeping-car with nine 1, 2 & 3-berth
    standard compartments with washbasin and three 1, 2 or 3-berth deluxe
    compartments with shower & toilet. There's a shower at the end of the
    corridor for passengers in the regular sleepers.  The train has several couchette cars
    with 4 & 6 berth compartments, and ordinary seats.
    See the Nightjet
    page for a guide to on-board accommodation, travel tips, photos &

    There's no restaurant car, but in sleepers or couchettes you can order drinks,
    snacks and hot dishes from a room service menu, served in your compartment. 
    The sleeper & couchette fares include a light breakfast with tea or coffee.

  • Spend the day in Amsterdam,
    then take the 18:34 Dutch intercity train from
    Amsterdam Centraal to Schiedam
    and change onto the frequent metro to Hoek van
    Holland Haven.  The metro station is right next to the ferry terminal.

  • Travel overnight from Hoek van
    Holland to London by train & superferry.  Check in at the Stena Line desk
    at least 45 minutes before sailing time, then walk up the gangway onto the
    luxurious Stena Line superferry and sail overnight to Harwich in a snug private
    cabin with shower, toilet & satellite TV.  There's free WiFi in the public
    areas on 9 deck.

    ferry sails from Hoek van Holland at 22:00 and arrives at Harwich International
    at 06:30 next morning, UK time.  Take a train from Harwich to London
    Liverpool Street arriving
    around 08:54, or from Harwich to Cambridge arriving 09:42 (10:39 on Sundays).
    See the
    Stena Line Rail & Sail page for
    full details, photos & travel tips

How much does
it cost?

  • London to
    Amsterdam or Utrecht by Rail & Sail starts at €55 per person each way, plus the
    cost of a cabin.

    Cabins start at €34 for
    a single berth cabin or €45 per cabin for a 2-berth, and
    are compulsory on the night sailing.  The fare
    covers the train from London to Harwich, the ferry, and
    onward Dutch metro & trains from Hoek van Holland Haven to any
    station in the Netherlands, for full details of fares and cabin types and

    see the Stena Line Rail & Sail page

  • If you prefer
    option 1, Amsterdam or Utrecht to Innsbruck, Salzburg Linz, or Vienna starts at €46.90 each way in 2nd class,
    €79.90 in 1st class.

  • If you prefer option 2, Amsterdam
    to Innsbruck, Wels, Linz or Vienna by Nightjet sleeper train starts at €59 with
    a couchette in 6-berth, €69 with a couchette in 4-berth, €99 with a bed in a
    cosy 2-bed sleeper or €139 with a bed in a single-bed sleeper all to yourself.

How to
buy tickets…

  • Step 1, buy a Stena Line Rail & Sail ticket from London to
    Any Dutch Station online
    shown on the Stena Line Rail & Sail page

    This covers the train
    from London to Harwich, the Harwich-Hoek ferry, and the metro/train from Hoek to Utrecht (if going
    direct by day trains) or Amsterdam (if spending some time in the Dutch capital),
    whichever you want.

  • Step 2 if you want to use daytime
    trains, book from Utrecht or Amsterdam to Austria at the German Railways website 
    Booking opens up to 6 months ahead.  I recommend registering when prompted
    so you can log in and check your bookings or re-print tickets at any time.  You print your own ticket or can show it on your
    laptop or smartphone.

  • Step 2 if you want the Nightjet
    train, book from Amsterdam to anywhere in Austria at either (easy
    to use, in €, € or $, overseas credit cards no problem) or the Austrian Railways website (in €, a
    little more fiddly, no booking fee).

What's the journey like?

Step 1, London to Utrecht or
Amsterdam by train &

A train takes you from London's Liverpool Street station
directly to the ferry terminal at Harwich.  You walk off the train, into
the terminal, get your boarding card & cabin key at the Stena Line check-in desk
and walk straight onto the overnight ferry to Hoek van Holland.  The superferry Stena
is the largest ferry of its kind in
the world. 
All passengers travel in private cabins with shower, toilet & satellite TV.
journey from London to Utrecht or Amsterdam is explained in detail on the
Stena Line Rail & Sail page

the video

Stena Line ferry captain's class cabin

Stena Line ferry at Harwich

Captain's Class cabin on the
Harwich-Hoek ferry
with double bed, complimentary minibar with sparkling wine, tea & coffee making facilities,
Larger photo.

Boarding the Stena Britannica at
Harwich.  She's a floating hotel to Hoek van Holland, with easy rail
connections on either side of the Channel.  Restaurants, bars, shop,
kennels, cinema…

Step 2, Amsterdam or Utrecht to Austria by daytime train…

At Hoek van Holland, you walk
off the ship, through passport control and straight onto the station for the
frequent metro train to Schiedam & Rotterdam.  Change at Schiedam Centrum
for a Dutch Railways (NS) train to
Amsterdam Centraal,
or at Rotterdam Alexander for a
train to Utrecht.  You can pick up a German Railways (DB) train to Cologne
& Frankfurt at either
Amsterdam Centraal
(where these trains start) or at Utrecht Centraal (a bit quicker).  Change
in Frankfurt for an onward daytime train to Austria,
More info about ICE trains.

ICE2 train, 2nd class" width="378" height="240" class="shadow
High-speed ICE3 train at Frankfurt" width="380" height="240" class="shadow

ICE3 2nd class seats.
Larger photo.

An ICE3 at Frankfurt (Main) Hbf…

…or Amsterdam to Vienna or Innsbruck by Nightjet sleeper train:
See the Nightjet guide…

This is an
Austrian Railways (ÖBB) Nightjet train, with sleeping-car, couchettes &
seats.  The sleeping-car has nine 1, 2 & 3 bed compartments with washbasin, plus
three deluxe compartments with 1, 2 or 3 beds with private shower & toilet. 
The sleeper berths come fully made up with sheets and duvets, all sleeper
passengers get mineral water in the evening and a light breakfast served in
their compartment next morning.  Towels & toiletries are provided,
including shampoo and shower gel in the deluxe sleepers.  In the more
economical couchettes, you can book a couchette in a cheaper 6-berth compartment
or a less-crowded 4-berth compartment, each provided with sheet, blanket, pillow
& small bottle of water, and couchette passengers get a tea or coffee in the
morning.  When waiting for the northbound sleeper train in Vienna, if you
have booked a sleeper you can use the
ÖBB first class lounge with
complimentary drinks. 
More pictures & information about Nightjet trains.

The Nightjet sleeper at Vienna

The Nightjet sleeper, arrived in

Nightjet deluxe 2-berth sleeper" class="shadow

Nightjet deluxe sleeper in day mode" class="shadow

Nightjet deluxe sleeper toilet & shower" class="shadow

Nightjet standard (economy) sleeper" class="shadow

Deluxe sleeper. Each compartment can be used as a 1, 2 or 3-bed room.
Larger photo.
Video of deluxe room

The same deluxe sleeper in
evening/morning mode with beds folded away, seats folded out.
Larger photo

Deluxe rooms have a compact shower & toilet, towels & hair/body wash provided.

Larger photo.

Standard sleeper
set up as 2-berth, washstand open. 
It can be used as a 1, 2 or 3 berth.
Larger photo

6-berth couchettes

4-berth couchettes
Couchette car on Brussels-Vienna sleeper train

6-berth couchettes…

4-berth couchettes…

Couchette car on the
Brussels-Vienna Nightjet…

Retour à

Naturally, you can take a train up
to London then travel to Austria as described
above.  You can buy special connecting train tickets
from most British stations to
London International,
see my advice on buying
connecting train tickets to London
. Mais
DFDS Seaways ( run an excellent
cruise ferry from Newcastle to Amsterdam,
P&O Ferries (
sail overnight from Hull to Rotterdam.  After a day in Amsterdam, take the
Nightjet sleeper to
Austria.  So why not
by-pass London, and have some time in Amsterdam into the

Scotland & the North ►

  • Day 1, Take an afternoon train from your local station
    to Hull or Newcastle, whichever is most
    convenient for where you live.  Transfer to the ferry

  • Sail
    overnight by cruise ferry to Holland, with bars, restaurants
    & comfortable en suite cabins, arriving next morning. 
    DFDS Seaways operate Newcastle-Amsterdam (the port is
    actually IJmuiden), and P&O operate Hull to Rotterdam Europoort.  For details of
    ferry timetables, station-port transfers, fares & how to buy tickets for
    travel via each of these ferry routes,
    see the UK-Netherlands page.

  • Day 2, spend
    a day
    in Amsterdam, all the sights are easy walking distance from
    Centraal station. 
    Left luggage lockers are available
    Amsterdam Centraal.

  • Day 2 evening, take the
    Nightjet sleeper
    from Amsterdam to Austria, leaving
    Amsterdam Centraal at
    19:30 (the exact time may vary) with one portion arriving
    Innsbruck Hbf at 09:14 and another portion
    Wels 07:14, Linz 07:46 &
    Vienna Hbf
    09:19.  Change at Wels for Salzburg, arriving 08:48.
    See important
    Covid-19 update about this Nightjet service

Austria ► Scotland & the

  • Day 2:  Spend time in Amsterdam, all sights are an easy walk from the station. 
    Left luggage lockers are available
    at Amsterdam Centraal.

  • Day 2, late afternoon/evening:  Travel overnight by cruise ferry from
    Holland to Hull or Newcastle, whichever is
    most convenient for where you live, arriving next morning (day
    3). Transfer to the station and take a train home.
    For full details of train & ferry times and how to buy tickets
    for each of these routes,
    see the UK-Netherlands page.

Fares & how to
buy tickets…

  • Step 1, check ferry
    fares & book the ferry at
    for Newcastle-Amsterdam or
    for Hull-Rotterdam.

  • Step 2, book the Amsterdam-Austria Nightjet at either (easy
    to use, in €, € or $, overseas credit cards no problem) or the Austrian Railways website (in €, a
    little more fiddly, no booking fee).  You print your own ticket.

  • Step 3, add a British domestic train ticket from your local station to Newcastle
    or Newcastle at
    (no booking fee for British train tickets) or
    . Make sure you allow plenty of time for the
    transfer from station to ferry terminal and for the ferry check-in.

What's the journey like?

Step 1, sail overnight from Newcastle to Amsterdam
(DFDS) or Hull to Rotterdam (P&O) by overnight cruise ferry, with private en
suite cabins, restaurants, bars, cinema, a floating hotel.  If travelling
with DFDS from Newcastle, a transfer bus takes you from IJmuiden ferry terminal
to Amsterdam Centraal
next morning.  If travelling with P&O from Hull, a transfer bus
takes you from Rotterdam Europoort ferry terminal to Rotterdam Centraal, from
where frequent Dutch trains run to Utrecht or Amsterdam.

Princess of Norway (now Princess Seaways) at Newcastle" width="497" height="257 A standard cabin on DFDS Seaways Newcastle-Amsterdam ferry." width="260" height="257

DFDS Seaways
Princess of Norway (now Princess Seaways) about to sail overnight from Newcastle to Amsterdam. 
The ferry also has deluxe Commodore class cabins with minibar, satellite TV,
shower & toilet.
See the video…

A standard Seaways class cabin with shower & toilet on DFDS
Princess of Norway from Newcastle to Amsterdam.

P&O Ferries Pride of Rotterdam" width="457" height="257 Cabin on P&O Ferries Pride of Rotterdam" width="300" height="257

P&O Ferries
Pride of Rotterdam at Rotterdam Europoort. 
The ferry also has deluxe class cabins with minibar, satellite TV, shower &

A standard outside cabin with
shower & toilet on P&O's Pride of Rotterdam from Hull to Rotterdam.

This is an
Austrian Railways (ÖBB) Nightjet train, with sleeping-car, couchettes &
seats.  The sleeping-car has nine 1, 2 & 3 bed compartments with washbasin, plus
three deluxe compartments with 1, 2 or 3 beds with private shower & toilet. 
The sleeper berths come fully made up with sheets and duvets, all sleeper
passengers get mineral water in the evening and a light breakfast served in
their compartment next morning.  Towels & toiletries are provided,
including shampoo and shower gel in the deluxe sleepers.  In the more
economical couchettes, you can book a couchette in a cheaper 6-berth compartment
or a less-crowded 4-berth compartment, each provided with sheet, blanket, pillow
& small bottle of water, and couchette passengers get a tea or coffee in the
morning.  When waiting for the northbound sleeper train in Vienna, if you
have booked a sleeper you can use the
ÖBB first class lounge with
complimentary drinks. 
More pictures & information about Nightjet trains.

The Nightjet sleeper at Vienna

The Nightjet sleeper, arrived in

Nightjet deluxe 2-berth sleeper" class="shadow

Nightjet deluxe sleeper in day mode" class="shadow

Nightjet deluxe sleeper toilet & shower" class="shadow

Nightjet standard (economy) sleeper" class="shadow

Deluxe sleeper. Each compartment can be used as a 1, 2 or 3-bed room.
Larger photo.
Video of deluxe room

The same deluxe sleeper in
evening/morning mode with beds folded away, seats folded out.
Larger photo

Deluxe rooms have a compact shower & toilet, towels & hair/body wash provided.

Larger photo.

Standard sleeper
set up as 2-berth, washstand open. 
It can be used as a 1, 2 or 3 berth.
Larger photo

6-berth couchettes

4-berth couchettes
Couchette car on Brussels-Vienna sleeper

6-berth couchettes…

4-berth couchettes…

Couchette car on the
Brussels-Vienna Nightjet… logo" width="135" height="22" class="shadow

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Rail Discoveries logo

01904 730 727

Great Rail Journeys logo

01904 527120

If you want a holiday to Austria
by train not plane, and want someone to organise all the train
tickets & hotels for you, several specialist companies do just
that, for a holiday with no airport hassles and no long days
in cramped coach seats on motorways.  Railbookers offer
tailor-made individual holidays with departure on any date you
like, whereas Rail Discoveries & Great Rail Journeys offer
escorted tours with specific departure dates.

Railbookers for custom-made

  • Railbookers are a train travel
    specialist who can put together a tour or holiday to Austria as a
    package, including rail travel, hotels & transfers.  Their website
    has a range of suggested tours & holidays which can be varied or
    customised to your requirements.  As you're booking a package,
    they'll take care of you if anything happens such
    as a strike or delay.

    For example, they can do a 2-night short break from the UK to Vienna by train both
    ways, or an 8-night trip to Vienna &
    Venice via the Swiss Alps.  Or how about
    8 nights to Vienna, Prague & Budapest, also by
    train throughout? 
    See the Railbookers Austria page for suggested itineraries & sample prices.

    UK flag
    UK call 0207 864 4600,

    US flag
    US call free 1-888-829-4775,

    Canadian flag Canada call free 1-855-882-2910,

    see website

    Australian flag
    Australia call toll-free 1300 971 526,

    see website

    New Zealand flag
    New Zealand call toll-free 0800 000 554 or

Rail Discoveries for escorted
01904 730 727.

  • Rail Discoveries
    offers escorted tours to Germany & Austria, with 3* hotels and
    2nd class rail.  Check prices & departure dates at,
    then book online or call 01904 730 727.

Great Rail
Journeys for escorted tours,,
01904 527 120.

  • GRJ offers
    five-star inclusive escorted tours with 1st class train travel
    and 5* or 4* hotels.  Tours include
    tours to the Austrian Alps and a
    tour covering Vienna, Budapest and Prague,
    both tours starting from London by train with a range of
    departure dates. 
    Great Rail Journeys also offer

    holidays by train to other European countries. Vérifier
    the tour details & prices online, then call 01904 527120 to
    book or use their
    en ligne
    booking form

Retour au sommet

Thomas Cook European Timetable -  click to buy online" vspace="15" width="90" height="140
Traveller's Railway Map of Europe - buy online" vspace="15" width="78" height="140le
European Rail Timetable (formerly the Thomas Cook European

has train & ferry times for every country in Europe plus
currency & climate information. Il est essentiel
for regular European train travellers and an inspiration for armchair
travellers.  Published since 1873, it had just celebrated 140 years of
publication when Thomas Cook decided to pull the plug on their entire publishing
department, but the dedicated ex-Thomas Cook team set up a private venture and
resumed publication of the famous European Rail Timetable in March 2014. 
You can buy it online at
(UK addresses) or
(shipping worldwide).
More information
on what the European Rail Timetable contains

Rail Map Europe is the map
I recommend, covering all of Europe from
Portugal in the west to Moscow & Istanbul in the east, Finland in the north
to Sicily & Athens in the south.  Scenic routes & high-speed lines
are highlighted. See an extract from
the map
. Buy online at
(shipping worldwide) or for €9.67 at
(UK addresses).

Retour au sommet

A good guidebook is a sound investment. Pour
independent travel, the best guides are the Lonely Planet or Rough Guide. 
Both guidebooks have the same excellent level of practical information and
cultural and historical background.  You won't regret buying one!

Clique le
images to buy at

Alternatively, you can download just the chapters or areas you need
in .PDF format

from the Lonely Planet Website
, from around €2.99 or US€4.95 a

Retour au sommet

Find hotels at
My favourite hotel search site:
is my favourite hotel booking site and I generally prefer booking my hotels all in one place here.  You can usually book with free
cancellation – this allows you to confirm your accommodation at no risk before train
booking opens.  It also means you can hold accommodation while you finalise
your itinerary, and alter your plans as they evolve – a feature I use all
the time when putting a trip together. je jamais book hotels non-refundably. 
I have also come to trust their review scores – you won't be disappointed with
anything over 8.0.

Tip:  It can pay to compare prices across multiple hotel sites: is a price comparison site which compares hotel prices on,, Expedia, Accor, Agoda and many others.  Though if
there's not much in it, I prefer keeping all my bookings together in one place

Other hotel sites
worth trying…
is the place to find
independent travellers' reviews of all the main hotels.  If you're on a tight budget,
don't forget about backpacker hostels. Hostelworld
offers online booking of cheap private rooms or dorm beds in backpacker hostels in Paris and most other European
cities at rock-bottom prices.

Retour au sommet

Columbus direct travel insurance logo

Always take out travel insurance…

Never travel without travel insurance with at least €1m or preferably €5m medical cover
from a reliable insurer.  It should also cover trip cancellation and
loss of cash & belongings up to a reasonable limit.  An annual
multi-trip policy is usually cheapest even for just 2 or 3 trips
a year, I have an annual policy myself. 
However, don't expect travel insurance to bail you out of every missed
connection, voir
the advice on missed connections here
. Here are some suggested
insurers, Seat61 gets a little commission if you buy through these links,
feedback is always welcome.

UK flag" align="left" hspace="10" width="30" height="15Dans
the UK, reliable insurers include

Columbus Direct

UK flag" align="left" hspace="10" width="30" height="15

If you have a pre-existing medical condition or are over 65, see
– 10% discount with code seat61.

UK flag" align="left" hspace="10" width="30" height="15Toi
can use
to compare prices & policy features across
major insurance companies.

UK flag" align="left" hspace="10" width="30" height="15

Australian flag" hspace="5" width="30" height="15
New Zealand flag" hspace="5" width="30" height="15
Irish flag
If you live in Australia, New Zealand, Ireland or the
EU, try

Columbus Direct's other websites

US flag" hspace="5" width="28" height="15
If you live in the USA try

Travel Guard USA

Curve card

Get a Curve card
to save on foreign transaction fees…

Banks often give a poor
exchange rate, then charge a currency conversion fee as well.  A Curve
MasterCard means no foreign transaction fees and gives you the mid-market
exchange rate, at least up to a certain limit, €500 per month as I write this.  The balance goes straight onto one of your existing debit or
credit cards.  And you can get a Curve card for free.

How it works: 1.
Download the app for
iPhone or Android
. 2. Enter your details & they'll send you a Curve
MasterCard – they send to most European addresses including the UK. 3.
Link your existing credit & debit cards to the app.  4. Now use the Curve
MasterCard to buy things online or in person or take cash from ATMs, just like a
normal MasterCard. Curve does the currency conversion and puts the balance onto
whichever of your debit or credit cards you choose.  You can even change
your mind about which card it goes onto, within 14 days of the transaction.

I use a Curve Blue card myself
– I get a little commission if you sign up to Curve, but I'm recommending it
here because I think it's great.
See details, download
the app and get a Curve card
– they'll give you €5 cashback through that
link, too.

Express VPN

When you're travelling you often use free WiFi in public places which may not be
secure.  A VPN means your connection to the internet is encrypted & always
secure, even using unsecured WiFi.  In countries such as China where access
to Twitter & Facebook is restricted, a VPN gets around these restrictions. 
And lastly, you can select the geographic location of the IP address you browse
with, to get around geographic restrictions which some websites apply – for
example one booking site charges a booking fee to non-European visitors but none
to European visitors, so if you're not located in Europe you can avoid this fee
by browsing with a UK IP address using a VPN. 
VPNs & why you need one explained. 
ExpressVPN is a best buy and I use it myself – I've signed up as an
ExpressVPN affiliate, and if you go with using the links on this page, you should see a special deal,
3 months free with an annual subscription, and I get a small commission to help
support this site.

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Roger Viret